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Quality Management and Patient Safety Service

About the Service

Quality Management and Patient Safety Service is an independent structural unit of the Hospital that carries out activities for managing the quality of medical care in the Hospital.

Objectives of the Service

  • to coordinate the Hospital’s activities in managing the quality of medical care;
  • to focus on satisfying the patient’s needs and expectations;
  • to focus on the high quality of medical care provided;
  • to ensure patient safety and reducing defects in the provision of medical services;
  • to comply with the procedure for providing the guaranteed volume of free medical care, the rights of the patient and family;
  • to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts and in the field of health care;
  • to motivate the participation of each employee in the process of continuous improvement of the quality of medical care and patient safety;
systematic approach to solving problems and issues in the field of quality of medical services and patient safety.If you come across problems related to the procedure and quality of medical care, please contact Quality Management and Patient Safety Service. Our experts will promptly respond to your request and help to solve the problem in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

You can leave your written request in the “Customer feedback box” located in the first floor at the entrance and near the registration office.

We will be grateful for your requests, comments and suggestions that will help us to improve the quality of medical care in our Hospital.

Bibigul Malgazhdarovna Sultanbekova

Head of the Service


Doctor of the Highest Category in Public Health

Contact information:

F block, 3rd floor, office.55

Telephone: 8(7172) 70-79-69

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