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+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56

Check-up programs

About the Department
Preventive Medicine Department is one of the components of the outpatient unit of the Presidential Hospital. Here, a comprehensive preventive examination and diagnostics of the organism are conducted for patients on a paid basis according to the Check-up program. The Department is located on the 2nd floor, Block C2. The Department includes: pre-doctor service rooms, GP rooms, dentistry, surgeon, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, urologist, blood sampling room, ECG room, ultrasound diagnostics room, endoscopy room with the postanaesthesia care unit. It is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment.

Services of the Department
Check-up examination of paid patients is conducted according to the developed programs of complex diagnostics of the organism. These are 8 standard programs, a basic program, and 6 premium programs. Comprehensive diagnostics of the organism takes from 1 to 3 days, accompaniment is provided, and at the end of the program, the GP issues a general medical report on the patient's state of health.

Doctors of the Department

Inna Alexandrovna Adolf                
Chief of the Department   
The Second Category
Work experience: 10 years          

Наженова МШ.jpgMarina Shamuratovna Nazhenova               
General Physician               
The Highest Category
Work experience: 21 years              

Бирназарова ТБ.jpgTogzhan Bolatbekovna Birnazarova            
The Second Category
Work experience: 3 years              

Алдаберген ГС.jpgGulmira Serikkyzy Aldabergen       
The Highest Category
Work experience: 20 years 

Пронина НА_.jpgNadezhda Anatolyevna Pronina    
Dental Therapist 
The First Category
Work experience: 10 years             

Есахаева ЖС.jpgZhazira Serikbayevna Yessakhayeva           
Work experience: 8 years      

Оспанова МЕ.jpgMeruyert Yermekovna Ospanova  
General Physician               
The First Category
Work experience: 10 years              

Есжанов АА.jpgAsset Aitbayuly Yeszhanov             
The Highest Category
Work experience: 12 years            

Мукатай ММ.jpgMadina Meiramgaziyevna Mukatay            
The Second Category 
Work experience: 6 years   

Кулыбекова ГЕ_.jpgGulmira Yerkebayevna Kulybekova             
The Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Highest Category 
Work experience: 24 years 

Исабаев АЖ.jpgAbay Zhumanovitch Isabekov     
The Highest Category
Work experience: 40 years 

Адаева ЛА.jpgLyazzat Amanzholovna Adayeva 
The Highest Category
Work experience: 30 years 


Сейтов НН.jpgNurlan Nurmashevitch Seitov         
The Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Highest Category 
Work experience: 21 years 

Аманова КА_.jpgKymbat Amanbayevna Amanova
General practitioner-gastroenterologist
The Highest Category
Work experience: 30 years

Дербисова Гульнар Дербисовна 1300.jpgGulnar Derbissovna Derbissova      
The Highest Category
Work experience: 20 years

Individual examination can be arranged in a single or double wards in a 24-hour inpatient hospital.

The additional services and the cost of the ward of this category are not included in the Program and, are paid in accordance with the current Pricelist of RSE Medical center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preventive Medicine Department: +7(7172)70-80-41+7(7172)70-81-08+7(7172)70-81-05+7(7172)70-81-29+7(7172)70-79-87.

платное отделение больницы удп 2
платное отделение больницы удп 3
платное отделение больницы удп 5

Preparation for Check-Up

Proper preparation for the test is the key to a successful Check-Up and getting accurate results:

1. The last meal before 11:00 p.m. the day before Check-Up;

2. Do not eat breakfast, drink tea or coffee, or smoke.

3. Do not apply creams or lotions to your skin before your electrocardiogram (ECG);

4. Physical activity on the Check-Up eve is not recommended;

5. Do not consume alcohol two days before the test;

6. It is recommended to have a copy of your medical records with your previous test results, if you have them;

7. A tracksuit must be worn for the exercise test;

8. We recommend that you come to the Check-Up without jewelry


1. Do not take: hormones, cortisones, insulin, blood thinners (anticoagulants) in the morning before testing, but have them with you to take after testing.

2. Three days before diagnosis, stop taking vitamins, iron, various supplements.

3. Do not stop taking medications related to chronic diseases, such as: diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, thyroid disease, to lower cholesterol, rheumatic diseases, psychiatric and neurological diseases.

4. No physical or emotional overload.

For female Check-Up:

1. Gynecological hormonal examination is performed on the 3rd-4th day of the menstrual cycle.

2. Digital mammography and Papanicolaou smear (PAP-TEST) for the detection of early cervical cancer, performed on day 9-11 of the menstrual cycle.

3. The visit to the doctor is postponed in cases of:

- Infectious disease, fever, sore throat, etc.

- Menstrual cycle.

Preparation for Fiberoptic gastroduodenoscopy:

1. Eating a light meal at least 8 hours before the examination;

2. A light dinner (fish, chicken breast, buckwheat, vegetables, juices, green tea can be included in the menu);

3. You can drink at least 2 hours before the procedure, sweetened slightly brewed tea is allowed 4 hours before FGDS.

Preparation for fibrocolonoscopy:

The success and informative value of the examination depends mainly on the quality of preparation for the procedure, so take the following recommendations very seriously. In order to examine the colon mucosa, it is necessary that there be no fecal matter in its lumen.

1. Option of one-stage preparation with "Fortrans" medication:

1. On the day before the examination exclude vegetables, fruits, potatoes, berries, mushrooms, herbs from your diet.

2. On the day of colonoscopy you can only drink sweet tea, boiled water.

3. On the day of colonoscopy, depending on your weight (up to 50 kg - 2 sachets, 50-80 kg - 3 sachets, over 80 kg - 4 sachets) the preparation is diluted in boiled room temperature water at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 liter of water, the necessary amount of solution is drunk on the day before colonoscopy from 17 to 22 pm in small portions (a glass in 15-20 minutes). The solution can be drunk with boiled water. Stool begins to pass in 1.0-1.5 hours after taking the drug, and stops 2-3 hours after the last dose.

4. On the day of the study, before colonoscopy, you can drink a cup of sweet tea.

5.!!! During the days of preparation for colonoscopy you can take the necessary medicines with the exception of iron medications and activated charcoal. 

2. Option of one-step preparation with "EZIKLEN" medication (If the procedure is in the morning):

1. Purchase one package of "EZICLEN".

2. The day before the procedure: have a light breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only clear liquids should be consumed! Avoid red or purple colored liquids, milk and alcoholic beverages.

3. In the evening: at 6 p.m., pour one bottle into the enclosed cup and add 0.5 liter of water to the mark, dilute and drink it all! After 2 hours, drink another 1 liter of water or any clear liquid.

4. Then, at 8 p.m., pour the second bottle into the attached cup and add 0.5 liter of water to the mark, dilute and drink it all! After 2 hours, drink another 1 liter of water or any clear liquid. 

3. Option of two-step preparation with "EZIKLEN" medication (If the procedure is in the afternoon):

1. Purchase one package of "EZICLEN"

2. The day before the procedure: have a light breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only clear liquids should be consumed! Red or purple colored liquids, milk and alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

3. In the evening: at 19:00 p.m., pour one bottle into the enclosed cup and add 0.5 liter of water to the mark, dilute and drink it all! Then drink another liter of water or any clear liquid in the next two hours.

4. On the day of the procedure at 07:00, pour the second bottle into the enclosed cup and add 0.5 liter of water to the mark, dilute and drink it all! Then drink another liter of water or any clear liquid in the next two hours.

Basic program for citizens of non-CIS countries

Basic program
(recommended for people over the age of 30)
For women
For men

Check-up Premium for women - 1 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the female body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 2-3 days.

Accompaniment of the service nurse is provided at all stages of the program.

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

Check-up Premium for men -1 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the male body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 2-3 days.

Accompaniment of the service nurse is provided at all stages of the program.

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

Check-up Premium for women - 2 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the female body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 2-3 days.

Accompaniment of the service nurse is provided at all stages of the program.

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

Check-up Premium for men -2 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the male body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 2-3 days.

Accompaniment of the service nurse is provided at all stages of the program.

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

Check-up Premium for women -3 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

***This program is recommended for women after 40 years of age

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the female body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 2-3 days.

Accompaniment of the service nurse is provided at all stages of the program.

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

Check-up Premium for men -3 (for citizens of non-CIS countries)

*** This program is recommended for men after 40 years of age

The program is designed for “health-conscious” people who have no health complaints but want information about their health. A preventive program for a more in-depth examination of the male body, as well as the selection of medical recommendations for disease prevention, evaluation of the work of the main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary), selection of medical recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Program duration: 1 day (after preliminary preparation for colonoscopy).

The program can be supplemented with any services if medically required (after examination of the general practitioner) or by the request of the patient (according to the main price list).

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