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CT and MRI

About the Department
Magnetic resonance imaging is a research method that allows you to get a detailed picture of the state of human organs without internal intervention. Since the principle of the device is based on magnetic fields, the research process is absolutely safe from the point of view of ionizing radiation due to its absence.
Nowadays, magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most informative methods of research and diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system, osteomuscular, articular and other human systems.

Services of the Department
  • Magnetic resonance tractography of the brain is a diagnostic method based on diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging, which allows visualizing the orientation and integrity of the brain pathways in vivo.
  • Tractography is used in the diagnosis of axonal injuries in chronic brain ischemia, moto neuron diseases, multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, brain tumors and CNS development abnormalities, cortical infarcts.
  • Magnetic resonance neuroimaging in epilepsy and convulsive syndrome. It allows to identify a pathological focus (the so-called “epi-focus”) in the brain structure, to determine the tactics of patient management and selection of a treatment method (surgically or conservatively).
  • 1H Magnetic resonance-spectroscopy of the brain. Proton spectroscopy allows noninvasively in vivo to obtain information about the chemical composition of the brain substance – the main metabolites. This method allows you to detect pathological changes in the structures of the brain in the early stages of the disease.
  • Multimetric program PI-RADS v2 on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a magnetic field strength of 3.0 T.
  • Prostate cancer is detected in 4-7% of cases among men aged 50 years and older, who do not have urological symptoms and genitourinary system diseases history. This technique is implemented for the first time in Kazakhstan at the Presidential Hospital and to this day is the only one on the territory of our country, the use of a program with dynamic contrast study with high precision allows detecting pathological lesions in the prostate gland malignancy with accuracy up to 90-95%.
  • Magnetic resonance enterography is an innovative method for diagnosing diseases of the small intestine, which currently does not have any competitive research methods that provide information about the state of the small intestine and the surrounding fiber in a non-invasive way, without painful examinations and multiple tests.

Doctors of the Department

Ельшибаева Эльмира Сериккалиевна.jpg
Elmira Yelshinbayeva
Chief of the Department
The Highest category
Work experience: 19 years
Берестюк Игорь Николаевич.jpg
Igor Berestyuk
Doctor of CT & MRI
The Highest category
Work experience: 18 years
Дунь Александр Павлович.jpg
Aleksandr Dun
Doctor of CT & MRI
The First category
Work experience: 17 years
Қапи Райма Уәлиоллақызы.jpg Rayma Kapi
Doctor of CT & MRI
Master of Medicine
The Highest category
Work experience: 24 years
Марденқызы Дамиля.jpg
Damilya Mardenkyzy
Doctor of CT & MRI
The First category
Work experience: 13 years
Суйгенбаева Айгерим Жорабековна.jpg
Aygerim Suygenbayeva
Doctor of CT & MRI
The First category
Work experience: 13 years
Ғадылқан Салтанат Қадырқызы.jpg
Saltanat Gadylkan
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 4 years
Хойшыбай Манар Маратқызы.jpg
Manar Khoishybai
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 3 years
Ташпулатов Тахир Бахадирович.jpg
Takhir Tashpulatov
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 4 years
Ибраев Шыңғыс Сайранұлы.jpg

Shyngys Ibrayev
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 4 years

Ахназаров Шохрух Касимбекович.jpg

Shokhrukh Ahnazarov
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 2 years

Беккожин Дамир Асхатович.jpg

Damir Bekkozhin
Doctor of CT & MRI
Work experience: 2 years

Contacts of the Department

8 (7172)  70 78 88

8 (7172)  70 79 36

8 (7172) 70-79-34

+ 7 701 534 95 98 

Working hours

Mon-Sat: 8:00am. – 08:00pm.

Hospital Partners