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Local Commission on Bioethics of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In May 2015, the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Hospital) was accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities. To carry out such activities in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2015 No. 533 “On Amendments to the Order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated March 10, 2015 No. 127 “On approval of the Rules of Accreditation in the field of healthcare”; Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 744 dated November 19, 2009 “On approval of the Rules for conducting clinical trials and (or) tests of pharmacological and medicinal products, medical devices and medical equipment”; Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 697 dated November 12, 2009 “On approval of the Rules for conducting biomedical experiments, preclinical (non-clinical) and clinical studies”; as well as state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Good Clinical Practice. Basic provisions” and “Good laboratory practice” it is necessary to create Local Commission on Ethics.

In accordance with this, Local Commission on Ethics (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was established by the order of the Chief Physician of the Hospital and the Regulations on the Commission and the composition of the Commission were approved. (Order No. 236 dated August 25, 2015 “On the establishment of a Local Commission on Ethics of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan”).

Purpose of the Commission is to protect the rights and dignity of a person participating in biomedical research.

The tasks of the Commission:

1) independent examination of research documents;

2) independent assessment of security and respect for human rights at the stages of planning and conducting the study;

3) assessment of the compliance of the clinical research program with the standards of good clinical and scientific practice, as well as the qualifications of researchers and the technical equipment of the Hospital unit or other healthcare organization conducting this study;

4) assessment of compliance with international and national ethical standards in conducting biomedical research;

5) participation in the development of documents on biological and medical ethics.

7. The main functions of the Commission are:

1) coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the activities of researchers, coordination of their candidates

2) development of standard operating procedures and monitoring of their compliance;

3) providing methodological assistance, consulting and training of researchers on research ethics issues;

4) development and implementation of measures to improve the system of ethical expertise;

5) organization and conduct of an ethical examination of the project of introducing new technologies into clinical practice, projects of scientific and technical programs in the field of applied and fundamental healthcare, regardless of the sources of funding;

6) conducting moral, ethical and legal expertise of materials of preclinical (non-clinical) studies, clinical studies and biomedical experiments with the use of new medical technologies, medicines, biologically active food additives, medical equipment and medical products, new means and methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases during national and interstate research;

7) consideration of controversial issues that arose before, during and (or) after the completion of research and biomedical experiments;

8) holding meetings, conferences, symposiums;

9) interaction with the Central Commission on Ethics and other national and international organizations in the field of science;

10) publication of materials on the activities of the Commission in specialized medical journals.

The membership of the Commission was formed on an interdisciplinary basis and approved by the order of the Chief Physician of the Hospital.

The Commission consists of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a secretary and members. The Commission also has the right to attract independent experts to conduct consultations or expert examination of materials on issues within its competence.


Roza Agubayevna Bakenova

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Therapist of the Highest Category.


Work experience: labor activity began in Karaganda as a therapist. Specialized in professional diseases of lungs, pulmonology, and ENT pathology. Since 1988, after training in a clinical residency at the Karaganda Medical Institute, she worked as an assistant, followed by an associate professor at the Department of propaedeutics at the Karaganda State Medical Institute/academy, followed by a professor at the Department of propaedeutics internal diseases of JSC “Medical University of Astana”. Doctor-therapist of the highest category since 1990. The Chief visiting pulmonologist of the Karaganda Regional Health Department worked. In 1995, she defended dissertation on the research of a candidate of Medical Sciences in the field of studying the process of lipid oxidation and antioxidant status in patients with chronic structural bronchitis. In 2010, she defended doctoral dissertation on the problem of diagnostics and treatment of interstitial diseases in 2000, when the decision of the IAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan was made to call an associate professor.

The main direction of clinical and scientific activities is the pathology of the respiratory system, interstitial and obstructive diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. Currently, as Chief therapist of the Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan continues consulting activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific and educational work to improve the qualification of doctors, as well as expert activities to protect dissertations.

One of the founders of the Euro-Asian Respiratory Society, First Secretary General of this society, member of the Presidium of the Euro-Asian Respiratory Society, Association of pulmonologists of Central Asia, GOLD-member of the European Respiratory Society, Helen working groups on interstitial joints European Respiratory Society, member of the Russian Respiratory Society and the Russian Society of rheumatologists, Association of therapists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Awards: 2006, badge of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Excellent Worker of Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in 2015 -  badge “For contribution to healthcare”,  in 2017 – badge of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For excellent work”.


Курмангалиева Мадина Маратовна

Madina Maratovna Kurmangaliyeva

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Doctor of the Highest Category.

In 1990, after graduating with honors from the Almaty State Medical Institute (now the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov), she completed a clinical residency at the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases.

Having successfully worked at the eye Institute, the main ophthalmological center of Kazakhstan, for about 20 years she combined the clinical activity of an ophthalmic surgeon with scientific, defending first a candidate’s and then a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Clinical and experimental justification for optimizing the system of surgical treatment of glaucoma”. The author of more than 100 scientific papers, the monograph “Surgical treatment of glaucoma”, new methods of surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. In 1999, she completed a cycle of advanced training in cataract phacoemulsification at the S. N. Fedorov Clinic in Moscow. In 2007. She completed an internship in glaucoma and cataract at the New York Eye and Ear Clinic under the guidance of Prof R.Ritch. Dr.Kurmangaliyeva has repeatedly participated in international conferences, made presentations at the European Society of Refractive and Cataract Surgeons. Currently, participates in the work of Vision Academy, an international association that studies the use of angiogenesis inhibitors in various ophthalmopathologies.

From 2011 to 2015, Chief of the Ophthalmology Department of the Central Clinical Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

Since April 2015 Chief ophthalmologist of the of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Ахметова Камшат Мусахановна.jpeg

Kamshat Musakhanovna Akhmetova

PhD candidate.

After graduating from the Astana Medical University, she began her career as a researcher at the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition in Almaty. She worked as an epidemiologist at the Scientific National Center for Mother and Child Health, taught at the Department of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition at the Astana Medical University.

In 2015, she got master’s degree and entered the PhD doctoral program at MUA JSC in the specialty “Medicine”.

Currently, she works as a specialist in the Gerontology Department of the Presidential Hospital, member of the TSG, responsible executor of scientific projects.

Contact phone: +7 7172 70 81 02, int. 7495


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