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How to eat properly during Ramadan — doctor's advice


Almaty. KAZINFORM — This year the holy month of Ramadan (Ramadan) for Muslims will begin on March 23 and last until April 20. Assel Kudaybergenova, a doctor of the Almaty No. 11 city polyclinic, told the correspondent of INA "Kazinform" about how to eat properly during fasting.

How to eat properly during Ramadan — doctor's advice
Source: Kazinform


1. It is recommended to start Iftar (evening meals during Ramadan) with dates. Also, when preparing food for suhour (dinner after the sunset during Ramadan), use only fresh products. Take it into account when choosing fruits and vegetables. One advantage of having dates and drinking water on an empty stomach is that before taking more food, it allows a person to determine whether there is a need for additional food in his body.

2. Drink more water after meals. During iftar it is also important to eat slowly, you should not overeat, eat regular amounts of food.

3. Avoid foods that cause thirst. During Ramadan you will have to change your diet temporarily. Avoid salty foods, tomatoes, various salty salads and fish. Replace them with fruit and plenty of water.

4. Eat slowly. A person who refuses to eat a daily meal during the day is constantly stressed. This is especially important for those who are fasting for the first time. First of all, iftar should begin with dates, water or a light meal such as soup or a vegetable dish with some meat.

5. Take a break from sweets. Remove sweets from your menu (confectionery, cakes, sweet pies). Because they weaken your body and quickly cause feelings of hunger. And eating more sweets during Ramadan will increase your blood pressure. Eat dates, apricots, raisins, nuts instead of sweets, but only two to three hours after suhour.

6. Give up coffee. If you start your morning with coffee, you should give it up during Ramadan. Because coffee can have many harmful effects on the body.

7. Watch your diet. We usually eat three meals a day. Follow this method in the month of Ramadan as well. For example, eat a hot meal during suhour, low-fat foods and fish in the second part, and fruit during the meal before sunrise. This method is also very important for your health.

8. Eat healthy foods. If you like tea, drink more mint and green tea this month. Also, eat more dairy products like milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese. These contain proteins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and more important vitamins like B6 and B12.

9. Wake up for iftar (meals before dawn) feeling rested. To do this, do not eat fatty foods before going to bed. Replace it with fruit - grapes, apples, pears, strawberries. They affect the normal functioning of the brain and your proper rest. On iftar it is also not necessary to overeat.

Earlier, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan established the amount of fithr-sadaqah during Ramadan - this year fithr-sadaqah is 535 tenge.

This year's Ramadan starts on March 23. On the night of April 17 to 18 we will celebrate Kadir Tuni (Predestination night). April 21 is the holiday of Oraza-eid.

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