Harm of cigarettes and how to deal with it
When puffed, the temperature at the tip of a smoldering cigarette can reach 1100 ° C - a sort of miniature incinerator that emits a lot of harmful substances into the lungs of a person. What target organs are targeted by the components of cigarette smoke and how to help yourself to reduce harm - in this article.
When we say “tobacco”, we usually mean “nicotine”. But besides him, the smoker receives such a number of harmful elements from a burning cigarette - more than forty! - carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic, that is, violating embryonic development, that physicians around the world are unlikely to ever be left without work. We present only the top 10 poisoners of the human body from more than 4 thousand different chemical compounds that live on the tip of a cigarette.
CARCINOGENIC RESINS Lead to cancer, respiratory diseases.
CARBON OXIDE or CARBON MONOXIDE Provokes respiratory disorders, heart disease, has the ability to bind hemoglobin, reducing the ability of red blood cells to absorb oxygen and transport it to the cells of the body, makes human skin pale and lethargic.
ARSENIC A semi- metal that is a poison and a carcinogen. It can lead to oncology, causes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, and leads to kidney and liver failure.
Prussic acid or HYDROGEN CYANIDE Causes general poisoning of the body, provokes oxygen starvation, disrupts the functions of the central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
N-NITROSAMINES Capable of causing DNA mutations, some of them are known carcinogens.
STYRENE Responsible for damage to the sense organs, affects the central nervous system.
NERVOUS HEART POISONS Lead to neuropsychiatric diseases, diseases of the blood and heart.
POLONIUM Radioactive, causes malignant changes in cells, blood diseases, respiratory diseases.
Acrolein Leads to inflammation of the bladder, causes damage to the nervous system, irritates the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, provokes asthma.
METAL COMPONENTS Contaminate all body systems. Some of them have a toxic effect on humans, others contribute to the emergence and development of cancer, asthma. Their number can reach in one cigarette (in mcg):
potassium - 70
sodium - 1.3
zinc - 0.36
lead - 0.24
aluminum - 0.22
copper - 0.19
cadmium - 0.121
antimony - 0.052
chromium - 0.0014
gold - 0.00002
How can the harmful effects of the lethal cocktail mentioned above be reduced? The only true principle of the relationship with cigarettes is not to use them at all.
Source: NiZHEVRED website