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Internal Medicine Department No.7 (Cardiac Rehabilitation)

About the Department

The Internal Medicine Department No.7 engaged in a full range of physical, psychological and medical rehabilitation for patients after myocardial infarction and after surgical cardiac interventions. The principle of multidisciplinary approach and multidisciplinary team is formulated and used at all stages of cardiological rehabilitation care. It provides for interaction of different specialists - physicians specializing in the particular diseases, rehabilitation therapists, physical therapy specialists, functional diagnostics, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and other specialists. Of course, for each pathology, a special set of specialists, rehabilitation and secondary prevention methods are used.

Services of the Department

  • 2nd stage of rehabilitation within Compulsory Social Health Insurance, republican budget, on a paid basis
  • Сheck up: Cardiology, Chest Pain, Arterial Hypertension, Coronarography programs

Doctors of the Department

Rauza Sultanova
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 35 years
Молдажанова Акмарал Магауияновна.jpeg
Akmaral Moldazhanova
The First Category
Work experience: 13 years
Нурписова Тоғжан Төлегенқызы.jpg
Togzhan Nurpissova
The Second Category
Work experience: 7 years
Утамуратов Марат Барлибайұлы.jpg
Marat Utamuratov
Work experience: 6 years
 Daniyar Baigozhin Daniyar Baigozhin
Work experience: 7 years

Hospital Partners