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Surgery Department No.5 (cardiac surgery)

About the Department

The Department is aimed at providing specialized care and high-tech medical services in cardiac surgery profile. The Department is equipped with the modern equipment and uses the latest medical technology in accordance with international standards. The staff of the Department is represented by highly qualified specialists of the country, trained in the best clinics of the world. The Department provides diagnosis, surgical treatment of patients with congenital heart disease, acquired heart disease, coronary heart disease, as well as combinations of these diseases. Combined technologies include combined operations on heart valves, aorta and vessels.

Complex surgical interventions are performed together with x-ray surgeons: implantation of a heart valve (TAVI) through the femoral artery (without a thoracic incision), stenting of various arterial basins.

Innovative directions are hybrid technologies, minimally invasive heart surgery. The advantages of hybrid interventions are the reduction of the surgery time, minimal traumatic effect, which provides a shorter rehabilitation period in the postoperative period. Minimally invasive heart surgeries include interventions on the valve apparatus and vessels of the heart through mini-accesses. The advantage of these operations: first of all, it is less traumatic, the anatomical framework of the chest is not violated, the number of postoperative complications is much lower than after traditional methods of operation, blood loss is reduced, duration of artificial ventilation (artificial lung ventilation), length of hospital stay, fast rehabilitation and social adaptation.

All treatment methods used in the practice are in line with the most advanced trends in world medicine.

Operations are conducted in an operating room equipped with OR1. This is an integrated operating room developed by Karl Storz. The whole environment in the operating room — endoscopic devices, video systems and data sources, as well as peripheral devices such as the operating table or ceiling lighting — are user-oriented and can be controlled from one central place in the sterile part of the operating room. OR1 provides a synergistic effect in the operating room and thus increases the efficiency. Combined operations in different basins of the cardiovascular system are carried out in the only hybrid operating room in Kazakhstan, equipped with an Arti-Zeego angiograph with a robotic C-arm with the ability to perform intraoperative computed tomography, and a Carto 3 navigation system.

One of the important factors in the process of speeding up the recovery of the patient in the postoperative period is the conditions provided by the department. The department is equipped with wards of high comfort (1- and 2-bed rooms) with functional beds with electric drive, digital TV, shower cabin, bathroom and air conditioning.

In conditions of high service and comfort, reliable safety and quality of medical services, patients can count on the results of the most modern achievements of medical science and technology.

Services of the Department

Cardiac surgeries

  • Coronary artery bypass grafting in the conditions of artificial blood circulation (traditional access-sternotomy)
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting on a working heart (traditional approach – sternotomy)
  • Mammary coronary bypass and aortocoronary bypass on a working heart through short-scar incision - 7-10 cm in the left side of the chest (MIDCAB)
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting in the conditions of artificial blood circulation incision 7-10 cm in the left side of the chest (TCRAT)
  • Correction of the mitral valve defect (plastic/prosthetics) in the conditions of artificial blood circulation
  • Correction of aortic valve defect (plastic/prosthetics) in the conditions of artificial blood circulation
  • Correction of the defect (plastic/prosthetics) of the tricuspid valve
  • Correction of the defect (plastic/prosthetics) with a combined lesion of the mitral and aortic valves
  • Operations for combined damage to the coronary bed and the valvular apparatus of the heart
  • Valve replacement through short-scar incision (MICS)
  • Operations at infectious endocardite
  • Interatrial septum plastic surgery through short-scar incision (MICS)
  • Hybrid operations - CABG (MIDCAB) + stenting of other arteries
  • Aortic surgery: reconstruction and prosthetics of the root, ascending section, arch and its branches
  • Surgical treatment of concomitant atrial fibrillation in patients with coronary heart disease and acquired heart disease

Doctors of the Department

Alibek Toibayev
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 16 years

Денеев Ерлан Мухамбеткалиулы.JPG

Yerlan Deneyev
Cardiac surgeon
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years

Ыдырышева Арайгуль Кенесхановна.jpg

Araigul Ydyrysheva
Cardiac surgeon
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The First Category
Work experience: 23 years

Алибаева Назира Сериковна.jpg

Nazira Alibayeva
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The First Category
Working experience: 9 years

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