Operating Unit with Transfusionology
About the unit
Surgery unit is a “heart” of Hospital’s surgery service. It consists of 11 operating rooms, which comply with the most up-to-date sanitary-hygienic requirements. Air, supplied to operating rooms, is cleaned from bacteria, viruses and aerosol particles, overpressure prevents movement of air flows from adjacent rooms. Used instruments are transferred from operating room to non-clean area for pre-sterilizing clearing via special locks. Surgery and pre-surgery rooms are equipped with automatic sliding and swing doors, walls are artificial stone. Overhead consoles for centralized supply of gas mixtures and endoscopic equipment are installed in each surgery room, increasing useful space. All the surgery rooms are equipped with modern high-tech equipment of leading foreign manufacturers.
Availability of integrated surgery complexes OR1 NEO (“Karl Storz”, Germany) optimizes workplaces and simplifies working process, allows demonstrating and documenting information from video and other sources inside and outside surgery room; provides unlimited opportunities for teleconferences, telesurgery and remote workshops. Our Hospital is proud of its bi-plan and hybrid surgery rooms, equipped with angiography imagers from Siemens, “Artis Zeego” and Canon (Japan). Bi-plan surgery room provides new opportunities for treatment of patients, suffering from most complicated cardiovascular diseases and neurosurgical pathologies.
Services of the unit
Transfusiology Office
Transfusiology room ensures timely delivery, storage and issue of blood components and products, safe and effective treatment by blood components, defining blood group- and rhesus-specificity.
- Screening of red-cell antibodies in direct Coombs’ test;
- compatibility test using ABO blood group system and rhesus;
- defining antiglobulins in indirect Coombs' test;
- screening of red-cell antibodies;
- hemotransfusion of blood components and products;
- machine refusion of blood using Fresenius C.A.T.S device.
Modern gel serology method is used for determining blood group and Rh factor, screening of red-cell antibodies and compatibility test before transfusion. All the tests are performed in plastic diagnostic cards, containing microtubes, filled with gel. Size of gel particles, special selection of monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies ensures high sensitivity and specificity of the method, which allows avoiding complications while transfusing blood components and products.
Complex surgeries are performed using cell salvage, that is a modern, highly effective and safe method of returning patient’s own red blood cells lost during haemorrhage
Transfusiology Office is equipped with modern devices
- “Biorad” microtyping gel serology system
- “DiaMed ID” device for immunohematologic studies
- “Angelantoni” specialized refrigerators for storing blood and its products
- “Angelantoni” specialized freezers
- “Helmer” plasma defrosters
- “Barkey plasma Therm” blood warming device
- C.A.T.S reinfusion machine

Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 15 years

The First Category
Work experience: 9 years

Senior Doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 12 years

The First Category
Work experience: 9 years

Work experience: 27 years