Voice restoration surgery - injection laryngoplasty for one-sided vocal cord paresis
Dmitryi Kogay, ENT specialist and podiatrist of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, performs voice restoration surgery - injection laryngoplasty for one-sided vocal cord paresis.
The patient applied to the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a complaint of weak voice and choking when eating. The patient connects it with the operation on removal of the thyroid gland performed 2 months earlier. Video laryngoscopy was performed during the consultation: one-sided paresis of the vocal cord was revealed, incomplete closure of the vocal slit during phonation. The patient was offered and then underwent injection laryngoplasty. The voice was restored in the shortest possible time, and the patient was able to return to full activity.
It is worth noting that this technique is clinically proven as effective and safe in treating patients with one-sided vocal fold paresis. Indications for injection laryngoplasty are vocal cord insufficiency. This condition is found in the following diseases:
- vocal fold paralysis
- vocal cord paresis
- vocal cord scar
- presbylarringitis
-age-related changes in the vocal cords
-deviation of the cartilago arytenoidea after trauma
Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides a wide range of services of a phoniatrist, conservative and surgical treatment of vocal cord diseases.
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