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Is it possible to return to the former way of life after a stroke?

Is it possible to return to the former way of life after a stroke?

What is the importance of comprehensive rehabilitation?

It was these questions that Gulzhan Kairzhanova, a rehabilitation specialist at the Rehabilitation, answered in her interview with a Kazinform correspondent.

This Center, equipped with the latest Western machines, is dedicated to the rehabilitation of patients operated on after a stroke and various injuries, as well as to restoring their quality of life. Working with patients at this Center requires a lot of work and a special approach from doctors. Because all patients are different. Among them there are those who do not withstand the blow of fate and renounce everything. It is in this case, doctors try to prescribe a comprehensive type of treatment. The Center has all the conditions for this. “What is good, nowadays anyone can use the services of our Hospital. The number of patients receiving free treatment from the regions through the Compulsory Social Health Insurance is growing,” G. Kairzhanova shared. 

Also, according to G. Kairzhanova, a new project is being developed to improve the qualifications of doctors at the Hospital and the quality of medical services. As part of the project, specialists of the Center will introduce new methods of applying the robotic system.

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