
Version for the visually impaired

+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56


Name of the service Unit Price KZT
1901 Minor outpatient surgeries 1 operation 17 100
1902 Minor outpatient surgeries, 2 categories of complexity 1 operation 25 500
1903 Minor outpatient surgeries, 3rd category of complexity 1 operation 42 500
1904 Dressings (with medications without ointments) 1 procedure 4 200
1905 Dressings (with medications and ointments) 1 procedure 5 100
1906 Sclerotherapy 1 procedure 46 700
1907 Surgical treatment of superficially located benign tumors 1 procedure 34 000
1908 Percutaneous laser photocoagulation of reticular veins 1 procedure 32 800
1909 Autopsy of purulent skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases 1 procedure 25 500

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