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+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56


Name of the service Unit Price KZT
2049 1 bed/day in a hospital department with meals (without the cost of examination, medications according to the Protocol), double, triple ward 1 bed-day 42 500
2050 1 bed/day in a hospital department with meals (without the cost of examination, medications according to the Protocol), single ward 1 bed-day 59 500
2051 1 bed/hour in a hospital department with meals (without the cost of examination, medications according to the Protocol), double, triple ward 1 bed-hour 4 250
2052 1 bed/hour in the hospital department with meals (without the cost of examination, medications according to the Protocol), single ward 1 bed-hour 5 100
2053 1 additional bed for patient care per day with meals, double, triple ward 1 bed-day 15 300
2054 1 additional bed for patient care per day with meals, single ward 1 bed-day 20 400
2055 1 additional bed for patient care per hour with meals, double, triple ward 1 bed-hour 1 530
2056 1 additional bed for patient care per hour with meals, single ward 1 bed-hour 2 040
2057 Intensive care in general intensive care without medications 1 hour 1 bed-hour 8 500
2058 Intensive therapy in the general intensive care ward/intensive care unit for 1 day without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 85 000
2059 Intensive therapy in the general intensive care ward/intensive care unit with an individual post for 1 day without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 99 450
2060 Intensive therapy in the recovery room without medications 1 hour 1 bed-hour 8 500
2061 Intensive therapy for cardiac surgery patients 1 day without medications and medical devices 1 bed-day 88 400
2062 Intensive care of cardiac surgery patients without medications and medical devices 1 hour 1 bed-hour 10 200
2063 Intensive therapy of a patient with sepsis without efferent therapy in 1 day without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 110 500
2064 Intensive therapy of a patient with sepsis with efferent therapy in 1 day without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 127 500
2065 Intensive therapy of patients with ARDS syndrome + ECMO + HDF in 1 day without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 161 500
2066 Observation in the recovery room for 24 hours without medications and medical products 1 bed-day 68 000
2067 Caring for a patient in a hospital 1 bed day 1 bed-day 5 100

Hospital Partners