
Version for the visually impaired

+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56


Name of the service Unit Price KZT
551 Temporary preservation without thanatopsy (intracavitary injection of fixing solutions, applying a formalin mask to the face) 1 service 40 800
552 Temporary preservation after thanatopsy (intracavitary administration of fixing solutions, applying of a formaldehyde mask to the face) 1 service 34 000
553 Histological examination of gastrobiopsy with additional staining for Helicobacter pylori (1 Study) 1 service 4 700
554 Pathoanatomical autopsy (autopsy) 1 service 36 500
555 Preservation (storage) of dead bodies in a refrigerator (1 hour) 1 service 900
556 Cytochemical examination of biopsy material with Masson trichrome 1 service 9 300
557 Histological examination of 1st category of complexity 1 slice/block 5 900
558 Histological examination of 2nd category of complexity 1 slice/block 6 400
559 Histological examination of 3rd category of complexity 1 slice/block 8 800
560 Histological examination of 4th category of complexity 1 slice/block 9 800
561 Immunohistochemical microscopy using 1-4 markers 1 slice/block 44 200
562 Immunohistochemical microscopy using 5-10 markers 1 slice/block 71 400
563 Immunohistochemical microscopy using more than 10 markers 1 slice/block 102 000
564 Immunohistochemical examination of estrogen, progesterone, Ki-67, c-erbB2(HER2/neu) receptors, mammary gland 1 slice/block 93 500
565 Consultation of glass preparations of the 3rd category of complexity with the preparation of additional sections 1 slice/block 5 100
566 Consultation of glass preparations of the 4th category of complexity with the preparation of additional sections 1 slice/block 6 400
Cytological examinations
567 Oncocytological examination of cervical smear 1 test 5 000
568 Cytological studies of endoscopic material (broncho-, esophago-, gastro-, duodeno-, laparo-, rectoromano-, colono-, cystoscopy) 1 test 5 200
569 Cytological examination of biological fluid (pleural, ascitic, synovial fluid, sputum, urine, breast discharge 1 test 4 900
570 Cytological examination of smears for Helicobacter pylori 1 test 4 900
571 Cytological examination of smears stained by Papanicolaou (Pap-test, Smear for oncocytology) using liquid cytology 1 test 11 900
572 Cytological examination of material obtained during surgical interventions and other urgent interventions 1 test 5 900
573 Cytological examination of aspirate (scraping) from the uterine cavity 1 test 6 900
574 Cytological examination of biological material 1 test 5 200
575 Cytological examination of imprint smears (scrapings, discharge and imprints from the surface of the skin, erosions, wounds, ulcers, fistulas, tremas etc.) 1 test 5 100

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