
Version for the visually impaired

+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56


Name of the service Unit Price KZT
577 Hardware blood reinfusion using the CATS FRESENIUS device 1 procedure 139 300
578 Transfusion of blood components or products 1 test 4 500
579 Hemotransfusion of erythrocyte-containing blood components 1 test 4 300
580 Determination of blood group, Rh factor 1 test 4 600
581 Determination of the titer of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in the indirect Coombs test 1 test 9 700
582 A compatibility test according to the ABO system and Rh factor 1 test 6 400
583 Screening for anti-erythrocyte antibodies 1 test 4 700
584 Screening for anti-erythrocyte antibodies using the direct Coombs test 1 test 3 100

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