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+7(7172) 70-80-90
+7 702 006 56 56


Name of the service Unit Price KZT
1383 Cervical biopsy 1 service 10 000
1384 Cervical biopsy using the DEC device 1 service 15 600
1385 Biopsy of the cervix using a conchotome 1 service 6 890
1386 Vaginal baths with medications 1 service 3 000
1387 Introduction of the IUD 1 service 10 000
1388 Taking a smear (regular, for oncocytology) 1 service 1 400
1389 Taking a swab for PCR 1 service 1 400
1390 Opening a Bartholin gland abscess 1 service 26 000
1391 Enucleation of Bartholin gland cyst 1 service 39 000
1392 Hydrotubation 1 service 6 500
1393 Hysteroscopy 1 service 20 500
1394 Diagnostic endometrial curettage 1 service 20 500
1395 DEC (diathermocoagulation) of the cervix 1 service 19 500
1396 Colposcopy 1 service 8 000
1397 Contrast for hysterosalpingography 1 service 18 000
1398 Laser coagulation of cervical erosion 1 service 16 200
1399 Medical termination of pregnancy without the cost of the drug 1 service 50 000
1400 Mini abortion using vacuum aspiration method 1 service 30 000
1401 Training on installation of a gynecological pessary 1 service 15 600
1402 Vacuum aspiration operation 1 service 8 500
1403 Open biopsy of the formation of the external genitalia and/or perineum 1 service 22 100
1404 Paracervical administration of drugs 1 service 5 200
1405 RAT (regional antibacterial therapy) without the cost of medications on both sides (1 session) 1 service 5 000
1406 Vaginal tampons (without medications) 1 service 3 900
1407 Vaginal tampons with medication 1 service 6 500
1408 Removal of the IUD 1 service 9 100
1409 Removing an IUD with a crochet hook 1 service 13 000
1410 Removal of benign formations of the external genitalia 1 service 10 400
1411 Removal of skin tumors (1 formation) 1 service 22 750
1412 Removal of subcutaneous tissue formations (atheroma, lipoma, etc.) up to 5 cm (1 formation) 1 service 18 460
1413 Removal of a vaginal formation (cyst, polyp, condyloma, etc.) (1 formation) 1 service 25 350
1414 Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal 1 service 13 000
1415 Installation of a gynecological pessary (without pessary cost) 1 service 6 500
1416 Chemical treatment of cervical erosion (without medications) 1 service 5 850
1417 Cervical excision 1 service 14 560
1418 Video colposcopy with the function of saving images in a database 1 service 19 500

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