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Scientific and Clinical Council

Scientific and Clinical Council
RSE “Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Scientific and Clinical Council (hereinafter – the Council) is a permanent consultative, advisory and expert body at RSE “Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - the Hospital). The Council is established and operates in order to make recommendations on relevant issues concerning formation and implementation of scientific and educational policy, conduction of research, improvement of the training of scientific personnel, coordination of the scientific and clinical activities of the Hospital, effectively usage of the staff potential in scientific and clinical activities, as well as assessment of the clinical efficiency, safety and economic feasibility in the introduction and use of medical technologies, including innovative ones. The membership of the Hospital’s Council is approved by the order of the Director for a period of two years. The Council consists of employees who have an academic degree (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD).
The Chairman and coordinator of the work is the Director of the Hospital; the Director from among the employees of the Hospital Departments appoints the Deputy Chairman and Secretary.
The decisions of the Council are taken by open vote - by a majority of votes (more than 50%), the conclusions and proposals of the Council are of a recommendatory nature.

The main objectives of the Council are:
  • to consider issues of scientific and (or) scientific-technical, innovative and clinical activities of the organization
  • to consider issues of educational activity, proposals for its improvement, to make recommendations, discuss and approve educational programs
  • to review strategic and current plans in the scientific educational and clinical activities of the Hospital
  • to analyze the state of prospects for the development of scientific directions in healthcare, Kazakhstan and world science
  • to prepare the justified recommendations for determining the priorities of scientific and medical research
  • to approve the main priorities of scientific and educational activities
  • to review and approve the scientific projects
  • to approve the educational and methodological documentation
  • to analyze the effectiveness of the training of scientific and clinical personnel in the Hospital, to hear and prepare recommendations for annual reports on the performed research
  • to analyze the use of scientific achievements in medical and educational processes, to prepare the appropriate recommendations
  • to analyze the condition of the equipment available in the Hospital, and to prepare recommendations for its effective use, as well as development of the material and technical base for scientific and clinical research;
  • to study and generalize the experience of participation of the Hospital’s researchers in international scientific and scientific-technical cooperation, as well as the experience of cooperation with Kazakhstani organizations; to promote the development of joint scientific research;
  • to form the database on ongoing scientific research, research teams and experts, submitted applications for registration of inventions, useful models, industrial designs and objects of copyright and related rights, received patents, innovative patents and certificates of state registration of intellectual property objects;
  • to select the safe, clinically and cost-effective medical technologies for their implementation in the clinical practice of the Hospital;
  • to consider the feasibility of using medical technologies already used in the Hospital practice, if there are indications of possible economic inefficiency or insufficient clinical effectiveness and safety.
The main functions of the Council are:
  • to prepare proposals and recommendations on topical issues of scientific and clinical activities of the Hospital Departments;
  • to develop recommendations for the approval and implementation of research plans, practical implementation of the results, training of research staff, publication of scientific papers, publications;
  • to discuss and prepare recommendations for improving the research management, as well as for the effective use of financial resources for scientific activities;
  • to debrief on scientific, educational and clinical activities of structural subdivisions, their heads, and individual researchers;
  • to discuss issues of international cooperation and collaboration with Kazakhstan organizations, the progress of scientific research conducted jointly with foreign and Kazakhstan organizations, to hear reports of employees on scientific trips;
  • to discuss issues related to the training and retraining scientific personnel; systematic hearing of scientists' reports about their work on scientific personnel training;
  • to submit scientific papers, scientific discoveries and inventions for state awards and prizes;
  • to nominate candidates for awarding honorary titles of the organization who have brought contribution to science development;
  • to participate in the popularization and promotion of the results of scientific and technological activities, to promote their commercialization;
  • to conduct scientific and technical expertise of scientific research on the research programs performed;
  • to promote the use of scientific achievements in medical and educational processes
  • to analyze and submit recommendations to the Hospital management on optimizing the Hospital structure and on further improvement of practical activities;
  • to study and make proposals to the management on the appointment of appropriate candidates to senior positions of scientific and clinical structural subdivisions of the Hospital;
  • to consider issues of compliance with ethical and deontological standards at meetings and introduce proposals to the management on making organizational decisions on these issues;
  • to coordinate clinical and scientific and educational activities of the Hospital on organization, improvement and implementation of innovative technologies in the Hospital;
  • to review documents on safety, clinical and economic efficiency of the proposed implementation of medical technology in comparison with analogues used in the Hospital;
  • to assess compliance of medical technology with the standards of appropriate clinical practice (National Accreditation Standards, JCI and others);
  • to assess compliance of the contractors’ qualifications and the technical equipment of the Hospital subdivision required for the implementation of the proposed medical technology;
  • to analyze the implementation of medical technologies.


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