Источник данных о погоде: Нұр-Сұлтан 30 күндік ауа райы

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Preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans®

колоноскопия 13 days before the examination it is necessary to exclude any rough food from the ration (fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, cereals, beans, mushrooms, berries, black bread). Allowed are broth, boiled meat, fish, chicken, cheese, white bread, butter, and biscuits.

If you suffer from constipations you should take your usual purgatives every day or even increase their dosage a little bit.

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A ‘light’ dinner 2 hours before taking FORTRANS®
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Dissolve 1 sachet of FORTRANS® in 1 litre of water.

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Take up FORTRANS solution during 4 hours (1 glass every 20 minutes).

One pharmacy pack of FORTRANS® includes 4 sachets, on the basis of 1 sachet per 15-20 kg of weight. If a patient weights 80 kg he must use 4 sachets, in case of bigger weight more sachets must be used. One sachet of FORRANS must be dissolved in 1 litre of potable water of a room temperature (soda water must not be used). Start taking the solution in the evening at 5 or 6 p.m. till 10 p.m. in the night before the examination. The solution must be taken up slowly (approximately during 4-4.5 hours, one glass during 15-20 minutes, in several swallows; for taste control wash down with sour pulpless juice or chase down with lemon slices.) If you feel nauseous during taking of FORTRANS® discontinue intake of the medication for half an hour.

колоноскопия 5.gifIn 1-2 hours after beginning of intake of the medication you will have liquid stool and the depletion will be completed in 2-3 hours after the last intake of FORTRANS®.
Don’t worry if it seems to you that the depletion was insufficient. Taking 3 litres of FORTRANS® guarantees the proper preparation of your bowel for the colonoscopy!
No clysterizing is required when you use FORTRANS®!

колоноскопия 6.gifNo need to hunger (especially if you suffer from diabetes). A light breakfast (porridge, egg, bread, tea or coffee) before the examination would just improve your general state and help better tolerate the colonoscopy.

When using FORTRANS ® drug no clysterizing on the day of examination is required, either!

For an examination under anaesthesia: complete blood count and ECG are mandatory!!!

Colonoscopy procedure

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure, during which the endoscopist will inspect and evaluate the state of the internal surface of colon mucosa with the aid of an endoscope.

Normally, colonoscopy is well tolerated and rarely causes any sense of discomfort.

Colonoscopy is a labour intensive manipulation, so please do your best to help the doctor and the nurse by following their instructions. You may feel some discomfort during the examination; however, a good doctor will take all precautions to ease the discomfort. To a large extent, the precise fulfilment of the doctor’s instruction allows tolerating the manipulation far easier.

Another way to reduce the discomfort and risks of any possible complications is the use of special “rotation” method by the doctor as well as the use of the most advanced effective equipment. Compliance with the necessary disinfection standards will eliminate any risk of infection during the procedure.

Immediately before the manipulation the doctor will ask you to sign the statement of consent for manipulation. Be sure to discuss with the doctor the probability of any consequences and risks of the examination.

At the wish of patients the examination can be conducted under sedation (anaesthesia), in which case complete blood count and ECG are required to be made.

The manipulation takes on average 20-30 minutes and is conducted in a special room. You will have to put off all clothes below the belt including underwear. You will be given special disposable underwear.

During the examination a colonoscope is inserted through the anus into the bowel lumen and gradually advanced with moderate supply of air necessary to unfold the bowel canal. At this time you may have a sensation of abdominal distention. Upon completion of the examination any air supplied into the bowel will be aspirated by the doctor through a special channel of the endoscope and that sensation will disappear.

In the course of colonoscopy you may be asked to turn to your spine, right or left side. When passing anatomical curves the doctor or the nurse will control the advancement of the device with a hand (through the abdominal wall).

In case of pathological conditions, a biopsy may be needed to specify the diagnosis. In certain cases the colonoscopy is accompanied by treatment manipulations, the most significant of which is polypectomy.

After completion of colonoscopy no special diet is required. Some abdominal distention is possible; however that sensation will disappear fast after passage of flatus.

The doctor will inform you about the results of examination. An essential component of the manipulation is to provide you with maximum information about the conducted examination and the state of your health.

Endoscopists are highly skilled doctors, with whom you should discuss all questions immediately after the examination.

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