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Bronchoscopy is a method of trachea and bronchi mucous membrane examination with the use of special device, namely a bronchoscope. A tube with lighting equipment and video camera is inserted through the larynx into respiratory passages. This advanced equipment ensures the examination accuracy above 97%, which makes it essential for the diagnostic of various pathological conditions: chronic bronchitises, recurrent pneumonic fevers, or lung cancer.

Preparation for bronchoscopy

Before bronchoscopy it is necessary to undergo several diagnostic examinations:
  • pneumonography,
  • ECG (electrocardiogram),

  • blood count (complete, HIV, hepatitidis, syphilis blood test),

  • coagulogram (coagulation analysis)

  • and others according to indications.

Evening meal must be taken at least 8 hours before the manipulation.

Smoking is prohibited on the day of examination (factor increasing the risk of complications).

The bronchoscopy shall be conducted strictly on empty stomach.

In the morning it is necessary to make a cleansing enema (to prevent an involuntary bowel evacuation as the result of intra abdominal hypertension).

Immediately before the manipulation it is recommended to void the bladder.

When necessary the doctor will administer mild sedatives on the day of manipulation. Patients suffering from bronchial asthma must carry their inhalers with them.

For persons suffering from cardiovascular pathologic condition, preparation for bronchoscopy is conducted in accordance with a custom-tailored program.


Immediately before the manipulation the doctor will ask you to sign the statement of consent for manipulation. Be sure to discuss with the doctor the probability of any consequences and risks of the examination!

The examination will be conducted in a specially equipped endoscopic room with the same sterile conditions as in an operating suite. The manipulation will be guided by the doctor, who has passed special training in examination of bronchi.

The duration of bronchoscopy is 30-40 minutes.

The patient will be given bronchodilatory and analgetic medicaments in atomized form to facilitate passing of tube and eliminate any discomfort.

Patient’s body position: sitting or supine.

Head or body movements are not recommended. To suppress retching, rapid shallow breathing is recommended.

The bronchoscope is inserted through the mouth or nasal passage.

The instrument is advanced to the lower segments and the doctor inspects the internal surface of the trachea, glottal aperture, and bronchi.

After the examination and necessary manipulation the bronchoscope is carefully taken out and the patient is sent for a certain period of time to the inpatient department under the observation of medical personnel (to avoid any complications after the manipulation).

Feelings after the bronchoscopy

Feeling of numbness, lump in the throat, and stuffiness in nose will continue up to 30 minutes. During that time and one hour later, smoking and taking hard food are not recommended. Also doctors caution against driving on that day since administered sedatives may lead to impaired concentration.

Probable complications

The risk of adverse effects is minimal, thou possible. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor when the following symptoms are observed:
  • Bloody expectoration during a long time;
  • Pain feelings in the chest;

  • Audible rale;

  • Choking sensation;

  • Nausea and vomiting;

  • Body temperature rise.

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