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Everyone knows that sugar and artificial sweeteners are very harmful to health. 

When ingested, they raise blood sugar levels, which stimulates the production of insulin, a hormone that reduces sugar but increases appetite, which in turn can lead to weight gain, obesity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and fatty liver disease.

Unhealthy habits such as, frequent consumption of carbonated sugary drinks, sweet tea, morsels with sugar or sweeteners, sugar sachets or sugar substitutes for coffee or tea put your health at great risk.

It is almost impossible to avoid sugar and other sweeteners completely, but it is possible and even necessary to minimize the risks associated with their excessive consumption!

Information that will help you get rid of this addiction

Sugar. Sugar (refined, sand) is a source of calories, has no nutritional value, and is inflammatory. If you do not eat sugar in its pure form, it does not mean that it does not enter your body. The fact is that many foods contain hidden sugar. For example, sweet drinks contain about 40 grams of sugar per serving, while dessert bars, yogurt and cereals contain about 12 grams (1 tbsp). Not a little sugar and in everyone's favorite baked goods.

On average, an adult eats sugar three times more than the norm (about 77 grams at the norm of 25). Calories (230 and more) can lead to accumulation of fat in the body - up to 10 kilograms per year!

Sugar substitutes

Stevia is a healthy alternative to sugar. It is several times sweeter than sugar and yet contains no calories. Sweeteners based on it are usually of plant origin (in sachets, drops or herbal form), they do not cause a sharp rise in blood glucose levels.

Despite this, you need to remember that sugar substitutes can cause cravings for sweeter foods. Their excessive consumption, can increase glucose intolerance, which can be a precursor to prediabetes and diabetes. In addition, artificial sweeteners adversely affect the beneficial gut microflora and can also lead to fat accumulation in the body.   

Natural honey can also be considered a natural sweetener

It has more nutrients compared to table sugar. Honey is rich in antioxidants and substances to nourish the intestinal flora. In addition, honey contains minerals and vitamins (E, C) and has many other beneficial properties.

We should not forget that honey contains a lot of sugar and, consequently, many calories. Therefore, it can be consumed no more than 1-2 teaspoons a day. 

Remember that honey should not be given to infants under a year, because it may contain spores of botulism bacteria, which are a serious danger to the health of babies. 

Maple syrup, agave nectar are natural sweeteners that have more nutritional value than sugar. However, they also contain carbohydrates and calories, they increase blood glucose levels, but they can be used in smaller quantities for flavor.

Fruits, berries (fresh or frozen)

Most fruits and berries have a low to medium glycemic index, so they do not cause blood glucose levels to rise dramatically.  Because of this, sweetening food or drinks with fruit is healthier than adding sugar to them.

For example, you can add applesauce and other purees to porridge, berries to natural yogurt and frozen fruit to smoothies. You can also use vanilla or almond extract, cocoa powder and spices such as cinnamon, etc. instead of sugar.

For lovers of sweets, we recommend:

  • Gradually reduce the amount of sweetener in coffee or tea. Dilute sweetened juices with plain clean water.
  • Limit consumption of sugary drinks.
  • Use only natural sweeteners (honey, syrup, nectar) and in moderation.
  • Add fruits and berries to dishes as sweeteners.
  • Before buying, carefully study the labels of processed foods and avoid them if they contain large amounts of sugar or synthetic substitutes.

Remember. Reducing sugar intake in your daily diet will help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases.

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