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“Shield against influenza: Key preventive steps for winter season”

“Shield against influenza: Key preventive steps for winter season”

As cold weather sets in, a season of acute respiratory-viral infections, including influenza, also arrives.

Approximately 4 million of ARVI cases is registered in Kazakhstan every year.

As these infections are communicated through droplets in the air produced at coughing and sneezing, they can spread very quickly, leading to mass contagion, that is their main danger.

Despite the fact that the influenza may occur in benign form, very frequently it progresses severely, with serious complications and even lethal outcomes, being especially dangerous for vulnerable groups of population (senior people, little children, pregnant women and persons with chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiac and pulmonary diseases).

As everybody knows, ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself for influenza season in a right way.

Prevention should be primarily aimed at strengthening body’s own forces / non-specific prevention measures.

  • Cold exposure training (for example, contrast shower, pool swimming);
  • Health food, rich in vitamins (more fresh vegetables and fruits);

(fiber improves intestinal microflora, that significantly influences body’s ability to resist viruses and infections).

  • Exercise (at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise per day, walking)
  • Healthy sleep (not less than 7-8 hours per day, go to bed before 11:00 PM, air temperature in the bedroom should be 17- 18°С);
  • If your immunity is low (You often catch colds) then you may take immunocorrecting drugs upon doctor’s prescription (anaferon, interferon, viferon) and polyvitamins.

In line with these measures, a specific protection, such as vaccination, is needed:

Vaccination against influenza is a safe and effective measure of protection from infection and a primary tool of preventing severe progress and non-desired outcome! You need to get vaccinated in advance, so that by the peak of occurrence the body might develop immunity against influenza, that is formed within 8 - 12 days and stays for one year.


  • During flu season, avoid contact with people who have signs of ARVI
  • Refrain from visiting places of mass gathering
  • Comply with “respiratory etiquette” – cover nose and mouth with napkin when you cough or sneeze, wear face masks in crowded places!
  • Wash your hands with soap more often, disinfect them (as viruses of flu type are also communicated through handshakes, contaminated surfaces). Correct handwashing reduces the risk of respiratory infections by 25 %.
  • Regularly aerate the room and do wet cleaning! Virus of influenza loses its resistivity in humid environment.
  • If you have gotten sick anyway and have non-manifested symptoms of influenza, stay at home, drink more water, eat healthy food!
  • If your condition gets worse, the symptoms get more intensive, do not try to cure yourself, do not take antibiotics (they are useless against viral infection). You need to seek medical assistance!

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