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Health school classes for future mothers "You will have a baby!"


April 5, 2016, Health School of FHLS center of MC Hospital of PAA of RK held another session for future mothers "You will have a baby!".

At lesson issues about psychoprophylaxis, fear and prejudice study, right lifestyle, positive thinking to birth giving were covered. Moreover, child's pren during pregnancy, childbirth and after, prevention of post-natal depression. Classes were in interactive form, have been shown and worked out situation in the event of pain in the back, legs, common fears during childbirth.

Pregnancy - is very important and difficult period in a woman's life when her body is most sensitive and changeable both physiologically and psychologically. This is the time when a woman needs support and assistance as from close relative so from qualified professional.

The psychologist of obstetrics and gynecology department N. Rozenson conducted classes. 

2016.04.05 школа здоровья для будущих мам 1

2016.04.05 школа здоровья для будущих мам 2

2016.04.05 школа здоровья для будущих мам 3

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