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"Diabetes" School health

Relevance. Diabetes mellitus (hereinafter DM) - is one of the first non-communicable diseases, which prompted the UN in 2006 to adopt a resolution № 61/225, urging all countries to unite in the fight against diabetes.

In 15 years, the number of patients with diabetes has increased by 3.5 times in Kazakhstan. At the beginning of 2021 there were 382 thousand people on the dispensary registry, of which: 30 thousand patients with diabetes mellitus type 1, 352 thousand patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The largest number of diabetic patients is in the working age of 40-59 years, which emphasizes the social importance of this problem.

The aim of the class -  to inform students about diabetes, its types, complications such as hypo- and hyperglycemic state, hypoglycemic coma, diabetic foot, the damage of this pathology of a number of organs, which are called the target organs: arteries, heart, kidneys, brain, eyes; risk factors and prognosis of the disease; to develop skills in measuring blood sugar levels, keeping a diary of the patient,a proper diet of a person with diabetes.

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