Gulshara Abildinova
- Medical genetics
- Medical genetics
- Prenatal diagnostics
- 2018 – present Chief, Personalized Genomic Diagnostics Laboratory, Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2016-2018 Chief, Clinical and Genetic Diagnosis Department, National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health of “UMC” CF
- 2007-2015 Chief, Medical Genetics Laboratory, National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health
- 2003-2007 Leading Research Associate of Medical Genetics Laboratory, Almaty Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology
- 2003 Defense of Doctorate Project “Comprehensive assessment of genetic effects from small doses of radiation in population, residing in Semipalatinsk nuclear test site area”, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
- 1994-2003 Senior Research Associate of Medical Genetics Laboratory, Almaty Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology
- 1993 Defense of Ph.D project “Study of stable and unstable abberrances under exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation”, Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Moscow
- 1990-1993 Postgraduate studies, Research Centre for Medical Genetics of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
- 1988-1990 Junior Research Associate of Medical Genetics Laboratory, Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Insitute
- 1985 -1988 District Hospital # 1, Talgar district, Panfilovsky settlement, Alma-Ata region
- “Innovative technologies in education”
- Quality management system in medical laboratories
- Certificate of the ІІІ research and practical conference of the Russian Society of Medical Genetics “New technologies in diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases”, # ROMG/1133-1
- Participation in the Russian Conference with international participation, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Oncology Service of the Republic of Tatarstan “21st century oncology. Innovations of medical science in practical healthcare”
- Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization – theory and practice of using the method in molecular diagnosis of onlcological diseases
- Optimizing choice of target agents. Molecular and molecular-cytogenetic characteristics of tumor. Israel, Tel Aviv
- Topical issues of medical genetics
- Methodology of medical education and science
- Quality management system in medical laboratories
- Healthcare management
- Master class “Genetic research in haematological practice”, National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health
- Hereditary diseases and medical genetics assistance for population
- Capacity building “Use of cytogenetic and molecular-genetic methods in pre-implant diagnosis of genetic diseases, hematooncology and for biological dosimetry”. Russian scientific center of radiology and nuclear medicine, Moscow
- School of radiobiologists
- Topical issues of medical genetics
- Molecular-genetic methods (DNA purification, PCR-method, RFLP) Zurich, Switzerland
- Regional training course “Using biological dosimemtry methods in patients, exposed to ionizing radiation”, Istanbul, Turkey
- “Clinical genetics and cytogenetics” Postgraduate studies, Israel, Tel Aviv
- 1978-1985 – Alma-Ata State Medical Institute
- European Cytogeneticists Association
- Association of Prenatal Medicine Specialists
List of articles, recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 34
- Innovative patents – 4
- Articles with IF – 6
- Monographs– 2
- Hirsch number - 2
- Contribution to healthcare
- Excellent Healthcare Worker