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Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (hereinafter referred to as KFU) is one of the oldest universities in Russia, founded on November 5, 1804.

In 1806 anatomist I.P. Kamensky and physician K.F. Fuchs began to teach medicine at the University. In 1807 I.P. Kamensky was succeeded at the chair of anatomy by professor I.O. Braun who in 1814 was elected the first rector of Kazan Imperial University.

During its more than 200-year history the University has produced eighty full and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The history of Kazan University is inseparably connected with the names of great biologists and doctors K. Fuchs, E. Eversmann, A. Kovalevsky, S. Zimnitsky, A. Samoilov, V. Gruzdev, P. Lesgaft, A. Vishnevsky and many others.

In May 2012, the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of KFU was created on the basis of Biology Faculty and Soil Science of KFU, where medical departments, whose staff are the cream of medical community and medical science of Tatarstan. The priority of KFU in training doctors is a quality fundamental medical education that will allow its graduates to become a new generation of doctors, doctors who think and are able to understand the causes and mechanisms of processes that occur in the body of healthy and sick people. Today there are over 1800 medical students studying here.

More than 760 bachelors, more than 2000 specialists, more than 260 masters, 169 postgraduates and 215 residents, including more than 950 foreigners are studying at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology.


Medical-Sanitary Unit of “Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University”

The University Clinic of Kazan Federal University was established in 2016. University Clinic "Kazan" or Medical-Sanitary Unit of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is a modern multidisciplinary medical complex, part of Kazan Federal University, which provides primary and specialized health care, including high-tech types of medical care in outpatient conditions, day and 24-hour hospital, emergency, urgent and planned forms.


Scientific and Clinical Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine at KFU Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

In 2018 on the basis of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University (IFMB KFU) the Scientific and Clinical Center of Precision and Regenerative Medicine (NCC PRM) with the participation of Cornell University, USA, the University of Nottingham, UK was created.

In 2018, Russia's first specialized laboratory based on NGS technology for HLA typing of potential bone marrow donors was launched. The capacity of the laboratory today is 25,000 typings per year. As part of a joint project of KFU and Rusfond CF on HLA-genotyping, an autonomous non-profit organization "Volga Region Bone Marrow Donor Registry" was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice, which transfers phenotypes to the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry named after Vasya Perevoshchikov. At present, the registry already contains more than 31,000 donor phenotypes obtained in the KFU laboratory.

Scientific, clinical research, as well as the introduction of new methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention are carried out at the NCC PRM to create targeted medicine - an integrated system of comprehensive treatment designed to rationally and timely address a patient's medical problems.


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