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AV Medical group

AV Medical Group is a network of private oncology clinics located in St. Petersburg, Russia. These are «AV Medical Group» LLC and «Oncological Research Center» LLC.

The main direction is the study of new diagnostic and treatment options, as well as new practical approaches to provide the highest possible and high-quality care to patients, mainly oncological profile.

LLC «AV Medical Group» today is:

  • Provision of socially oriented oncological care;
  • Individual approach to each patient;
  • Solving complex interdisciplinary clinical problems when others see no way out;
  • 2 clinical facilities;
  • Physicians trained and experienced in several medical specialties;
  • Participation in clinical trials of new effective anticancer drugs.

Cooperation involves global international clinical trials, scientific grants, improvement of diagnostic and treatment processes for patients in accordance with the latest recommendations of international and national healthcare organizations.


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