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Internal Medicine Department No.5 (therapy, rheumatology, nephrology)

About the Department

The Internal Medicine Department No.5 with therapeutic, rheumatology, nephrology beds provides diagnostic, therapeutic care to patients with rheumatologic autoimmune diseases, degenerative joint diseases, renal pathology, including glomerular disease, provides contrast studies to patients with reduced renal function using methods to prevent the development of contrast-induced nephropathy, patients of therapeutic profile, including comorbid conditions, using a wide range of methods for the prevention and treatment of comorbid conditions. The peculiarity of our team’s work is multidisciplinary, personalized approach to diagnosis and treatment of each patient.

Doctors of the Department

Сарсенбаева Айжан Жаксылыковна.jpg
Aizhan Sarsenbayeva
Chief of the Department
General practitioner, nephrologist
The Highest Category
EMBA Degree
Work experience: 18 years
Турдышева Эльмира Омирбековна.jpg
Elmira Turdysheva
The Highest Category
Work experience: 26 years
Садырбаева Нурлыгуль Амантаевна.jpg
Nurlygul Sadyrbayeva
The Highest Category
Work experience: 25 years
Мейрамова Гульдана Жанболатовна.jpg
Guldana Meiramova
General practitioner, rheumatologist
The First Category
Working experience: 10 years
Калмаганбетова Эльмира Барлыбаевна.jpg
Elmira Kalmaganbetova
The Second Category
Working experience: 13 years

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