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Internal Medicine Department No. 2 (cardiology)

About the Department

The Department has a highly professional group of cardiologists with modern skills in diagnostics and treatment of diseases of cardiology profiles. The Department is part of the Heart Center, the head of which is Dr.Aliya Dzholdasbekova, chief cardiologist of the Hospital. Patients with a wide range of diseases of the cardiovascular system (CHD, arterial hypertension, heart failure, heart rhythm and conduction disorders, etc.) are examined and treated in the Department. Cardio-program examination includes laboratory diagnostics, ECG, EchoCG, ECG Holter monitoring, daily BP monitoring, stress tests, coronary CT examination with determination of calcium index, cardiac SPECT-CT, coronary angiography.

Services of the Department

The Department provides care for patients in the following area: Cardiology. Based on the results of the examinations, the patient is examined by the Heart-team, consisting of experienced cardiac surgeons, cardiologists and an interventional cardiologist, and the method of myocardial revasculization (stenting, CABG, optimal drug therapy) is decided.

Doctors of the Department

Князова Гульбану Жаксыбаевна.jpg

Gulbanu Knyazova
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 28 years

Алькенова Маржан Ускенбаевна.jpg

Marzhan Alkenova
The First Category
Work experience: 10 years

Ирманов Адилбек Исманалиевич.jpg

Adilbek Irmanov
The Second Category
Work experience: 7 years

Касенова Асель Амирхановна.jpg

Assel Kassenova
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years

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