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Internal Medicine Department No. 1 (therapy, reconstructive traumatology)

About the Department

The Internal Medicine Department No.1 provides specialized treatment and diagnostic care in two profiles: therapy, restorative traumatology.

Issues of general therapy - diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic syndrome, respiratory organs, allergosis, screening diagnosis of sleep pathology.

Reconstructive traumatology includes a course of comprehensive treatment within the framework of medical rehabilitation of the 2nd stage after traumatological operations.

The Department provides comprehensive medication and non-medication therapy using all types of rehabilitation treatment - exercise therapy, underwater traction, gala chamber, hyperbaric oxygenation, plasmapheresis, acupuncture, leech therapy.

The staff of the Internal Medicine Department No.1 sees another priority of its work as the effective use of the existing material and technical base of the  Hospital - MRI, CT, PET, wide range of laboratory diagnostics and etc.

Doctors of the Department

Бисенгалиева Алия Жалеловна.jpg
Aliya Bissengaliyeva
Acting Chief of the Department
General physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 28 years
Алипбекова Ляззат Хамзаевна.jpg
Lyazzat Alipbekova
General physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 27 years
Ахметова Анар Бакыткереевна.jpg
Anar Akhmetova
General physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 25 yearsс
Алиева Азада Ахметжановна.jpg
Azada Aliyeva
General physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 10 years

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