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Hyperbaric Oxygenation Department

About the Department
Hyperbaric Oxygenation Department (HOD) is a structural unit of the Presidential Hospital. The department is located on the 2nd floor, block B1. Working hours of the department: 8 am - 8 pm (Mon-Fri), 8 am – 2 pm (on Sat). The department offers procedures for the attached contingent, patients on a paid and agreement basis, both inpatient and outpatient patients. All doctors have the highest qualification category.
Three single-seat BARA–MED XD (SMOOT-RIDE) pressure vessels, manufactured in the USA, Y.O.M. 2013. These are modern single-seat hyperbaric systems designed for treatment with 100% oxygen at a pressure of up to 3 atmospheres. The pressure vessels have a sufficient internal volume to make it convenient to have the treatment procedure in the supine position. The presence of a completely transparent acrylic case gives a number of advantages compared to the Russian-made pressure devices, and excellent visual contact significantly expands the contingent of patients who need treatment by hyperbaric oxygenation method, there are no claustrophobia problems. The vessel is equipped with a communication system that provides two-way communication between the patient and the staff during the treatment process. The vessel has an automatic control system that allows entering treatment modes and parameters automatically. The SMOOT-RIDE technology, which is used in our pressure vessels, is a technology of gradual curvilineal pressure rise in the vessel, allowing to achieve safety and optimal comfort for the patient. The pressure vessels are equipped with a call-button for personnel. During the HOD session, the patient is constantly monitored by a doctor and a nurse.

Services of the Department

  • Hyperbaric Oxygenation (pressure chamber) is a method of saturating the body under conditions of excessive barometric pressure. The mechanism of action of hyperbaric oxygenation is based on well-known physical laws, according to which, at increased pressure, the solubility of gases in liquids increases accordingly. Therefore, in the liquid environment of an organism placed under high pressure, more gases are dissolved than at normal atmospheric pressure.
Indications for the use of hyperbaric oxygenation
  • Pathology of exogenous poisoning
  • Pathology of the central nervous system
  • Vascular pathology
  • Cardiovascular pathology
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Pathology of the endocrine system
  • Pathology of the bone system
  • General Surgery
  • Wound pathology
  • Obstetric pathology
  • Skin diseases
  • Ocular pathology
  • ENT pathology
  • HOD is also used in rehabilitation therapy and cosmetology
Contraindications to the use of hyperbaric oxygenation
  • Epilepsy in the history (or any other convulsive seizures)
  • Residual cavities (cavities, abscesses and air cysts) in the lungs
  • Severe forms of hypertension
  • Blockade of eustachean tubes and channels connecting the paranasal sinuses with the external environment (polyps and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, middle ear, paranasal sinuses, abnormal development)
  • Claustrophobia
  • Hypersensitivity to oxygen

Doctors of the Department

Абдыкалыкова БА (1).jpgBalkiya Amanzholovna Abdykalykova      
Chief of the Department   
The Highest Category
Work experience: 31 years 

Маханбетова АМ.jpgAliya Mukhtarovna Makhanbetova            
The Highest Category
Work experience: 18 years

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