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Anesthesiology, Life Support and Intensive Care Unit

About the Department

The Anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive treatment department of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan is equipped in accordance with international standards.

The Department consists of 6 general and 6 cardiac surgery beds, 8 intensive care unit beds and 12 waking room beds.

Each bed of the Department is equipped with a separate self-contained console for gas supply, power supply, vacuum aspiration, and an expert-grade bedside monitor. A ventilator for invasive and non-invasive ventilations with the latest adaptive ventilator modes accompanies each bed. The Department has its own ultrasound machines, bronchoscope, difficult intubation kit and electroimpedance tomography scanner. Each patient ward has an equipped nurse’s station for continuous monitoring of patients throughout the day. In addition, all bedside monitors are displayed on a common panel in the ward corridor. A special feature of the wards is the ventilation system, which provides not only maximum comfort for each patient individually, but also an air purification system that minimizes the likelihood of spreading infection. Express analyzers of acid-base balance, blood gases and coagulation parameters are available for bedside diagnosis of emergency conditions.

The awakening room embodies the concept of same-day surgery. Most patients of our Hospital receive surgical care on the day of hospitalization. This allows reducing the patient’s time in the medical organization, minimizing the patient’s psycho-emotional costs of the treatment process, optimizing the work of staff and equipment, and reducing the risk of infection with nosocomial strains. The idea of the ward is to monitor the patient in the early postoperative period (within 2-3 hours) and further transfer to the specialized department. The ward is designed for 12 beds, each of which is equipped with a ventilator, bedside monitor, autonomous gas supply console, and a device for warming the patient.

The Department has anesthesiologists and resuscitators of the highest and first category, who have undergone scientific training abroad (Israel, Lithuania, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Germany and other countries). The nursing staff includes nurses with extensive experience, first and highest category.

Services of the Department

Reanimation measures and intensive care are provided to patients with disorders of functions of vital organs and body systems until their activity is stabilized, all types of necessary anesthetic aids are provided for various surgical interventions of any complexity and duration, painful procedures and diagnostic measures, anesthesia support for CT and MRI studies. An outpatient anesthesia service for same-day surgery and outpatient endoscopic procedures has been organized. 90% of endoscopic procedures (EGDS, colonoscopy, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, FBS, etc.) are performed under intravenous anesthesia or sedation, which provides comfortable conditions for patients.

A set of measures is carried out to prepare and carry out anesthesia for various surgical operations, special diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Observation, withdrawal from anesthesia and intensive care of postoperative patients. Special attention is paid to quality postoperative anesthesia, using modern methods of local anesthesia. Provision of consultative assistance to severe patients in other departments of the hospital, determination of tactics of management of patients is carried out. Intensive care of patients is carried out in strict accordance with clinical protocols of treatment and standards of care for patients with acute emergency diseases. Consiliums are held to deal with clinically complex patients with the participation of departmental staff and participation in teleconferences to consult specialists from different regions of Kazakhstan and other countries on intensive care. An important area of work of the department is the training of residents in the specialty, as well as conducting advanced training cycles for anesthesiologists-reanimatologists from other hospitals in the country.

Our main goal is to ensure patient safety at all stages of treatment. We are a growing and developing department with ambitious and creative employees!

Doctors of the Department

Бабашев Бауржан Бахытбекович.JPGBaurzhan Babashev
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience 26 years 

Кунапьянов Ержан Асымканович.JPGYerzhan Kunapyanov
The Highest Category
Work experience 36 years

Абирбаев Серикбек Садакпекович.JPGSerikbek Abirbayev
The Highest Category
Work experience 26 years

Камзина Алия Галыевна.JPGAliya Kamzina
The Highest Category
Work experience 26 years

Салаханов Руслан Агзамович.jpgRuslan Salakhanov
The Highest Category
Work experience 25 years

Кульчуков Руслан Шамильевич.JPGRuslan Kulchukov
The Highest Category
Work experience 25 years

Бексейтова Акерке Тастанбековна.JPGAkerke Bekseitova
The Highest Category
Work experience 24 years

Кембаев Касен Камашевич.JPGKassen Kembayev
The Highest Category
Work experience 18 years

Mukhit Dossov
The Highest Category
Work experience 17 years

Смирнова Анастасия Петровна.jpgAnastasia Smirnova
The Second Category
Work experience 16 years

Рыспеков Мадияр Серикович.jpgMadiyar Ryspekov
The Highest Category
Work experience 15 years

Ескендирова Шнарай Муратовна.jpgShnarai Yeskendirova
The Highest Category
Work experience 15 years

Assem Karibayeva
The Highest Category
Work experience 18 years

Galiya Sharipova
The Highest Category
Work experience 15 years

Кульжаманов Рустам Мейрамович.JPGRustam Kulzhamanov
The First Category
Work experience 12 years

Есей Жанболат.JPGZhanbolat Yessei
The First Category
Work experience 12 years

силуэт мужской 02.jpgArman Kazmagambetov
The Second Category
Work experience 8 years

Талкумбаев Амир Кадралыевич.jpgAmir Talkumbayev
The Second Category
Work experience 8 years

силуэт мужской 02.jpgIlyas Karmenov
The First Category
Work experience 8 years

Мирғалиева Құралай Мирғалиқызы.JPGKuralai Mirgaliyeva
Work experience 5 years

Маданиев Гибарат Балгабаевич.JPGGibarat Madaniyev
Cardiac Anesthesiologist-Reanimatologist
Work experience 5 years

Уалиев Дастан Мажитович.JPGDastan Ualiyev
Work experience 4 years

Шегенова Айгерім Дидарқызы.JPGAigerim Shegenova
The Second Category
Work experience 3 years

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