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Day patient department

About the Department

Day Patient Department is a structural subdivision of the outpatient department of the Hospital. Day Patient Department is located in Block L, 2nd floor of the diagnostic and treatment block. The Department has 24 beds. Working Hours: 08.00am to 08.00pm on Weekdays in two and 08.00am. to 02.00pm. on Saturdays. 

Services of the Department

Medical, preventive and rehabilitative measures for patients who do not require round-the-clock monitoring, as well as for patients discharged from the inpatient department and requiring restorative treatment. The Department has treatment for both patients with various therapeutic pathologies, and in the direction of specialized specialists. Referral to the Day Patient Department is issued by general practitioners or specialized doctors after a joint examination with the Chiefs of the Departments. Service is provided through several sources of funding, including on a fee basis, the Compulsory Social Health Insurance, and the republican budget. The patient’s stay in the department takes from 5 to 8 days.

Doctors of the Department

Смаилова Акерке Абдылхасенкызы.jpg
Akerke Smailova
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 23 years
Нурланова Динара Нурланқызы.jpg
Dinara Nurlanova
General physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 17 years
Шамаева Газиза Тулегеновна.jpg
Gaziza Shamayeva
General physician
The First Category
Work experience: 10 years
Куланбаева Динара Есенбековна.jpg
Dinara Kulanbayeva
Rehabilitation Neurologist
The Second Category
Work experience: 7 years

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