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Center for Formation of Healthy Lifestyle

About the Center
The Centre for Formation of Healthy Lifestyle (Centre for FHLS) was established on 1 March 2016 by the order of Head Doctor of the MCH as a new subdivision within the structure of the outpatient department. Apart from the basic topical courses (School of diabetes, School of health for patients with arterial hypertension and IHD (‘Healthy heart, good vessels’), School of health for patients with bronchial asthma and COPD (‘Easy breathing’), School for pregnant women and new mothers (‘You will have a baby!’), ‘Active longevity’ School), training will be provided on the questions of healthy nutrition, tobacco prevention, stress prevention and transfer of stress resistance skills, prevention of oncological diseases.

The main goal of the Center
Тo develop population attitude to health as to the fundamental human value. To make health and good psychophysical state the style of living.

Objectives of the Center
Тraining of healthy behaviour of people, promotion of preventive measures and development of patients’ abilities to overcome behaviour related risk factors of disease establishment; raising of patients’ competence in the issues that are crucial to their health and teaching of skills to change their lives and environment by themselves.

Specialists of the Center

Marat Kurmanov
Chief of the Center
The Highest Category

Hospital Partners