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Surgery Department No. 8 (gynecology)

About the department

The Surgery Department No. 8 has 24 beds, located on the 4th floor, block A3, equipped with modern medical equipment, with the help of which the entire volume of surgical interventions on the pelvic organs and retroperitoneal space is performed, using modern minimally invasive (laparoscopic, robot-assisted) technology.

All types of ectopic pregnancy, acute inflammatory and purulent diseases of the uterus and appendages, various types of infertility, intrauterine pathology (polyps, hyperplasia, synechiae, septum), stress urinary incontinence, prolapse and prolapse of the female genital organs, endometriosis of the uterus, appendages and pelvic peritoneum, benign neoplasms of the uterus (fibroids, myomas of various localization) and appendages (all types of cysts and cysts), congenital malformations of the female genital organs are treated as planned and urgently according to the profile “Gynecology”. Operations are performed by both traditional and laparoscopic, robot-assisted access.

Services of the Department

  • laparotomic and laparoscopic surgeries for emergency pathology in gynecology (cysts, cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory diseases);
  • office hysteroscopy, surgical hysteroresectoscopy;
  • laparoscopic reconstructive plastic surgery for tubal-peritoneal infertility;
  • subtotal hysterectomy (laparotomy and laparoscopic access);
  • total hysterectomy (laparotomy and laparoscopic, vaginal access);
  • conservative myomectomy (laparotomy and laparoscopic access);
  • vaginal surgeries using mesh endoprostheses;
  • sling surgeries for stress urinary incontinence;
  • laparoscopic correction of stress urinary incontinence (Birch surgery)
  • plastic surgery for long-standing vaginal ruptures and vaginal/rectovaginal fistulas;
  • laparoscopic operations using mesh endoprostheses (promontofixation)
  • robot-assisted surgeries (subtotal hysterectomy; total hysterectomy, myomectomy, cystectomy, adnexectomy)

Doctors of the Department

Gulbaram Basharova
Chief of the Department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Highest Category
Work experience: 28 years

Adil Adrishev
Senior physician
The Highest Category
Work experience: 19 years

Talgat Kapakov
The Highest Category
Work experience: 10 years

Sabira Rakhimova
The Highest Category
Work experience: 17 years

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