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Surgery Department No.4 (urology, proctology, purulent surgery)

About the Department

The 23-bed department was opened in 2015 and is located in Block A1 on the 4th floor. The Department has 13 wards: 3 of them are single rooms, 10 are double rooms. The layout of the Department premises is according to the approved plan. The Department is equipped with ultrasonograph, DUOLIT ESWL apparatus by Karl Storz, video endoscopic stand for cystoscopic examinations by Karl Storz, set of dressing instruments, uroflowmetry apparatus and set of necessary proctological equipment. The Department provides a full range of surgical care in urology and proctology. The advantages of providing medical services are due to the availability of qualified staff and modern medical equipment.

Services of the Department

Endoscopic surgeries 

  • Ureteral stenting (installation of an internal stent catheter in case stones, ureteral strictures)
  • Ureterorenoscopy with laser lithotripsy and lithoextraction (lithotripsy and removal of ureteral stones)
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (lithotripsy and removal of kidney stones)
  • Cystolithotripsy (bladder stones lithotripsy)
  • Endoscopic excision of ureterocele (saccular protrusion of the opening of ureter)
  • Bipolar transurethral resection of prostate adenoma (prostate adenoma TURP)
  • Transurethral resection of the bladder formation (polyps or bladder cancer)
  • Transurethral resection of the bladder neck during sclerosis
  • Optical urethrotomy - dissection of urethral stricture (laser, cold knife)
  • Installation of nephrostomy and epicystostomy
  • Puncture of renal cyst with sclerotherapy
  • Optical urethrotomy (urethrostenosis)
  • Multifocal prostate biopsy (morphological examination)
  • Kidney trephine biopsy (morphological examination) 

Laparoscopic surgeries

  • Laparoscopic ureteo/ pyelodithotomy (in case of stones of the ureter or pelvis)
  • Laparoscopic adenomectomy (performed if the prostate gland is large)
  • Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (in case of prostate cancer)
  • Laparoscopic plastic surgery of the ureteropelvic junction (performed in UPJ strictures)
  • Laparoscopic excision of kidney cysts
  • Laparoscopic resection of the kidney (organ-preserving surgery in case of kidney formations)
  • Laparoscopic nephruretherectomy
  • Laparoscopic nephropexy in nephroptosis
  • Laparoscopic ureterocystoanastomosis (in case of stricture of the lower third of the ureter)
  • Laparoscopic excision of the vesicovaginal fistula

Reconstructive plastic surgeries

  • Penile prosthetics (installation of one- and three-piece prostheses)
  • Reconstructive and plastic surgeries of the penis (lengthening, thickening, surgical treatment of curvature of the penis)
  • Urethral plastic surgery (various methods of urethral stricture repair, including the use of cheek mucosa and skin flaps)
  • Sling surgeries for urinary incontinence in women and men
  • Subinguinal microsurgical ligation of the seminal vein in varicocele 

Open surgeries

  • Similar operations to laparoscopic
  • Transvaginal vaginal fistula excision
  • Surgery for varicocele and hydrocele

Proctological surgeries

Operative and reconstructive methods for treating diseases of the rectum, perineum, rectovaginal septum, and pararectal area:

  • V-Y plasty of the anal canal in recurrent cases of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, scar stenosis of the anal canal
  • Dissection of pararectal fistulas of all degrees of complexity, including methods of lowering the mucosal flap of the rectum, proctoloplasty
  • LIFT (Ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract in transsphincteric fistulas of the anal canal
  • FILaC (fistula tract laser closure)  
  • Surgical treatment of anal incontinence, encopresis
  • Reconstructive surgery for postpartum perineal and rectal tears of all degrees of complexity
  • Resection of rectovaginal fistulas without stoma drainage, plastic rectovaginal septum with proctoloplasty
  • Elimination of proctocele with rectovaginal septum plasty
  • Hemorrhoidectomy in different modifications: traditional, with mucosa lifting, antero-posterior resection with mucopexy, with VY-plasty of the anal canal
  • HAL RAR surgery for hemorrhoids (Doppler-controlled desarterization of hemorrhoidal nodes with mucopexy).
  • Excision of anal fissures, perineal cysts, epithelial coccygeal passages and cysts
  • Emergency proctology: dissection, sanitation, drainage of abscessed diseases of perianal area: acute perirectitis, dissection of purulent epithelial and coccygeal cysts, elimination of rectal bleeding

List of proctology interventions in a day care hospital:

  • Periproctic cosmetology - ultrasonic, radiofrequency excision of perianal masses: residual skin folds, papillomas, condylomas with subsequent anoplasty;
  • Removal of anal polyps;
  • Thrombectomy of external single hemorrhoids;
  • Local hemorrhoidectomy;
  • Ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • Sclerosing of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • Radiowave destruction of chronic anal fissures;
  • Excision of uncomplicated chronic anal fissures;
  • Excision of submucosal fistulas of the rectum;
  • Opening, sanation, drainage of abscessed diseases of the perianal area: subcutaneous, submucosal acute paraproctitis, opening of purulent epithelial-coccygeal cysts;
  • Presacral block for acute sphincteritis;
  • Open biopsy of rectum. 

Purulent-surgical operations:

  • Opening of purulent inflammatory processes of skin and subcutaneous fat (phlegmons, abscesses, furuncles, hidrosadenitis etc.)
  • Surgical treatment of lactational and non-lactational mastitis
  • Treatment of trophic lesions of the lower extremities (in diabetes mellitus, obliterating atherosclerosis)
  • Treatment of trophic compression lesions of covering tissues (bedsores)
  • Surgical treatment of purulent-necrotic complications (gangrene) of the lower extremities.

Doctors of the Department

Енсебаев ЕЖ.jpg Yerlan Yensebayev
 Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor
 The Highest Category
 Work experience: 45 years

Bakhtiyar Kassymov
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 14 years

Борсова Фатима Заурбиевна.JPGFatima Borsova
Candidate of Medical Science
The Highest Category
Work experience: 27 years

Яковенко Григорий Иванович.JPGGrigoryi Yakovenko
Candidate of Medical Science
The Highest Category
Work experience: 22 years

Абдрахманова АА.jpgAigul Abdrakhmanova
Candidate of Medical Science
The Highest Category
Work experience: 27 years

Омаркулов АР_1300.jpgAidyn Omarkulov
The Highest Category
Work experience: 25 years

Джайчибеков Олжас Нурбулатович.jpgOlzhas Dzhaichibekov
The Highest Category
Work experience: 17 years

Риб ВВ.jpgVadim Rib
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years

Шакенов Жандос Жаикович.JPGZhandos Shakenov
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years

Сулейменов Амир Серымович.JPGAmir Suleimenov
The First Category
Work experience: 10 years

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