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Centralized Sterilization Department

About the Department
The Centralized Sterilization Department is the structural subdivision of the Medical Centre Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the RK.

Goal of the Department
Сentralization of treatment of medical accessories subject to be sterilized (use of reliable techniques of pre-sterilization treatment and sterilization, supervision of them).

Objectives of the Department
Provision of the Hospital with sterile medical accessories: surgical instruments, syringes, needles, catheters, bougies, surgical gloves, micropipets, dressing and suture materials, linen;
Practical application of advanced techniques of pre-sterilization cleaning, and sterilization.

Functions of the Department
1) receipt and storage before treatment of nonsterile articles used in departments and materials prepared for sterilization;
2) pre-sterilization cleaning (washing, drying);
3) sterilization of articles;
4) quality control of pre-sterilization treatment, sterilization of articles and registration of:
Results of accounting of quality of the pre-sterilization treatment of articles to eliminate blood and SAA (surface-active agents);
Results of the quality of work of sterilizers;
Results of sterility examination;
5) supply of departments of the Hospital with sterile articles.

Equipment of the Department
The Department has two automatic washing and disinfecting machines Miele G7826 (Germany).
Three steam sterilizers with a chamber volume of 613.164 Selectomat PL 6612-2V R (Germany).
FORMOMAT PL low temperature sterilizer (Germany)
STERRAD 100NX plasma sterilizer
Ultramatic 550/600 Ultrasonic Cleaning System
STERICELL SCS 111 dry-heat sterilizer
MMM Formomat low temperature sterilizers. The sterilization effect is achieved by exposing the active medium (formaldehyde) to the specified sterilization temperature and exposure time. Generally, temperatures of 40 to 75 °C and sterilization exposure times of 45 to 300 minutes are used, depending on the application.
The new range of MMM FORMOMAT provides technical solutions that optimize the low temperature sterilization of all types of medical devices and in particular long, hollow objects - in terms of economy, technical design and organization. FORMOMAT provides a wide range of functions allowing temperature adjustment (55°C, 60°C, 75°C), control from the advanced MMM panel, easy-to-use documentation, economical use of the necessary media and process validation with loading. The machine is certified with European standards.
The new MMM FORMOMAT uses a low-temperature formaldehyde sterilization method at 55 °C, 60 °C or 75 °C, which is suitable for all types of thermolabile materials. Even very long and narrow hollow objects can be sterilized in the device. The MMM FORMOMAT is officially certified for sterilization of 1.5m long, 2mm diameter hollow objects at standard cycles even at 55 °C. The biological control is carried out using the same indicators as for steam sterilization. Thanks to its unique construction including external heating jackets in the chamber and heating jackets in the door, external turbo fan and powerful vacuum system FORMOMAT ensures excellent sterilization results without traces of formaldehyde residue on the chamber and the walls. Sterilized objects are ready to use immediately after the sterilization cycle is complete. Further ventilation of the sterilized material is not required.
The STERRAD® 100NX® system is based on next generation technology and is the most advanced ASP sterilizer using hydrogen peroxide gas plasma.
Large rectangular chamber and multiple cycle options for the highest performance
Standard cycle lasting 47 minutes, suitable for most surgical instruments
42 minute Flex cycle for single-channel flexible endoscopes
Cycle Express of 24 minutes for fast turnaround of da Vinci® 3-D* endoscopes, rigid telescopes, accumulators and many other instruments
DUO Cycle 60 minutes for simultaneous processing of flexible endoscopes and cameras.
Advanced features ensure ease of use and quality control, including: a large touch screen; an innovative foot pedal for easy loading; a hydrogen peroxide sensor to ensure sufficient hydrogen peroxide concentration and guaranteed sterility level (SAL) 10-6; network connectivity for remote monitoring of cycle progress; and more.
The da Vinci® 3-D endoscopes are validated for use with the STERRAD® 100NX® System in Cycle Express. No validation was performed for the Standard and FLEX cycles of the STERRAD® 100NX® System.
Advantages of next-generation sterilization.
The STERRAD® 100NX® system uses next generation sterilization technology (NeXt) using a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide to sterilize narrower channels with a shorter time cycle than the original technology used in the STERRAD® 100S system.
The STERRAD® 100NX® system uses a larger rectangular chamber for fast, safe and efficient processing of large numbers of instruments to meet increasing retreatment requirements.
The system allows the treatment of narrower endoscopes, in particular single-channel stainless steel tubes with an internal diameter >0.7 mm and a length up to 500 mm, as well as single-channel flexible endoscopes made of polyethylene and Teflon® with an internal diameter >1 mm and a length up to 850 mm. Up to two single-channel flexible endoscopes can be processed in one run.
The system uses the latest information technology: RFID-chip cassettes, integrated USB port and optional independent monitoring system.
It allows comfortable, hands-free opening and closing of the chamber door with a convenient foot pedal.

Изображение WhatsApp 2023-06-16 в 14.45.54.jpgYerkinbek Momynbekov
Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 18 years

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