Anatomic Pathology Department
About the Department
The Anatomic Pathology Department is a structural and functional division of the Hospital, the main activity of which is aimed at further improvement of medical and preventive care by improving the in vivo diagnosis of diseases, clarifying the causes of death. The Department performs histological, cytological and autopsy diagnostics.
Оbjectives of the Department
- Examination of the biopsy material obtained during diagnostic biopsies (endoscopic biopsy, trepanobiopsy, scraping from the uterine cavity, fine-needle biopsies of parenchymal organs) in order to establish and clarify the diagnosis
- Examination of the surgical specimen (resected and amputated organs, tissues) in order to clarify the diagnosis, disease state, to assess the effectiveness of the chemotherapy treatment; to assess the radicality of the operation
- Conducting an autopsy study, which includes an analysis of the medical history of the deceased patient, autopsy and comparison of the results obtained to assess the correctness of the treatment, identify errors made at a particular stage of treatment, establish the cause of death
- Pathohistological examination of biopsy and surgical specimen of any localization, all complexity categories with the use of additional histochemical stains
- Consulting review of ready-made histologic specimen made in other medical organizations from biopsy and surgical specimen
Anatomic Pathology Department is fitted with up-to-date equipment
- Tissue processor for histological processing of enclosed-type tissues
- Combined machines for filling in tissues with a built-in paraffin dispenser
- Rotary microtomes with slice carrier system
- Automatic machines for histological sections staining
- Modern light microscopes with the possibility of obtaining photographs of histologic specimen
- Digital scanner of histologic specimen with the ability to save scanned images in the archive and use for consultation in remote viewing mode via Internet
- Equipment for immunohistochemical staining of the specimen
- Equipment for the prosectorium, a cold camera preservation (keeping) for 2 places with a lift cart
Doctors of the Department

Chief of the Department
The Highest Category
Work experience: 33 years

Тhe Highest Category
Work experience: 34 years

Тhe First Category
Work experience: 29 years