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Ultrasound diagnostics

About the Department

The Ultrasound Diagnostics Unit is a structural subdivision of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department is located in block C2, floor 1, offices #16, #19; block B1, floor 1, offices #49, #52; block L, floor 1, offices #1.30; #1.32, 1.36.

Ultrasound rooms are equipped with expert-class ultrasound scanners Logiq E9 (GE), Logiq P9 (GE); Aplio 450e, manufactured by CANON (Japan).

List of services 

1. Ultrasound of abdominal organs (liver+gallbladder+pancreas+spleen)

2. Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder with determination of its contractility

3. Duplex scanning of the vessels of the hepatobiliary zone

4. Ultrasound of the kidneys

5. Ultrasound of the adrenal glands

6. Ultrasound of the bladder

7. Ultrasound of the prostate gland (transrectal)

8. Ultrasound of the scrotal organs

9. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (transvaginal)

10. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (transabdominal)

11. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

12. Ultrasound of the mammary glands

13. Ultrasound salivary glands

14. Ultrasound of lymph nodes

15. Ultrasound of soft tissues

16. Ultrasound Doppler ultrasonography of upper limb vessels

17. Ultrasound Doppler ultrasonography of lower limb vessels

18. Ultrasound Doppler ultrasonography of extracranial vessels

19. Ultrasound of pleural cavity

20. Soft tissue ultrasound

21. Ultrasound in pregnancy (determination of gestational age)

22. Monitoring folliculogenesis

23. Joint ultrasound

24. Elastography of the liver (shear wave)

25. Ultrasound Doppler renal vascular ultrasound

26. Ultrasound of peripheral nerves

Doctors of the Department

Оскенбаева КК.jpg

Karlygash Karimkhanovna Oskenbayeva
Chief of the Department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Highest Category
Work experience: 40 years
Атаханова СК.jpg

Saulesh Kablakhmetovna Atakhanova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 36 years
Ахметжанова АА.jpg

Aizhan Akhmetzhanovna Akhmetzhanova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The First Category
Work experience: 22 years
Бексултанова АТ.jpg

Ainur Talgatkyzy Beksultanova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The Second Category
Work experience: 16 years
Шукумова ММ.jpg

Maral Mukhtarovna Shukumova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 34 years
Кыстаубаева ГТ.jpg

Gaukhar Tileuberdiyevna Kystaubayeva
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 20 years
Қажымуханқызы Жансая.jpg
Zhansaya Kazhymukhan
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
Work experience: 13 years
Ермухаметова Гузялия Раифовна.jpg
Guzyaliya Yermukhametova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The First Category
Work experience: 15 years
Акижанова Гульназ Оразбековна.jpg
Gulnaz Akizhanova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The First Category
Work experience: 12 years
Ертаева Риза Ертайқызы.jpg
Riza Yertayeva
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
Ныгманова Адель Нурлановна.jpg
Adel Nygmanova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor

Dana Aripbayeva
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor

Lyazzat Tazhibayeva
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
Таракова Лариса Ивановна.jpg

Larissa Tarakova
Ultrasound Diagnostics Doctor
The Highest Category
Work experience: 40 years

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