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Clinical Trials Sector

Ермаханова Гульмира АбдибаевнаYermakhanova Gulmira Abdibayevna

Head of Clinical Trials Sector of the Gerontology Center, Master of public health


- graduate medical education, Kazakh State Medical Academy, Astana (1998-2004)

- postgraduate education “master of public health”, Kazakhstan School of Public Health, Almaty (2006-2008)

- scholar of international "Bolashak" program for research internship "Health Policy and Health Research", Virginia Commonwealth University, USA (2014-2015)

Continuing education:

- “Public Health Emergency Response”, CDC/CAR, Almaty, (2017)

- Interprofessional Training “Gerontology and Geriatrics”, Virginia Geriatric Education Center, USA (2014-2015)

- “Leadership Development Sessions”, The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA (2014)


Сибагатова Айнур СериковнаSibagatova Ainur Serikovna

Specialist of Clinical Trials Sector of the Gerontology Center, Master of health management


- graduate medical education, Medical University Astana, Аstana (2003-2009)

- postgraduate education “master of health management”, Nagoya University, Japan (2017-2018)

Continuing education: 

- “Health Research Ethics”, Astana, RCHD, (2017)

- Corporate Management Course, Duke University, North Carolina, USA (2012)

- Course on Quality of Medical Services Parkway Group, Singapore (2012)


Науразбаева Анар ЕльдосовнаNaurazbayeva Anar Yeldosovna

Specialist of Clinical Trials Sector of the Gerontology Center, Master of Ecology


- graduate education“Ecology and environmental management”, .Eurasian National University (2002-2007).

- postgraduate education “International Master in Environmental Management and Engineering, Eurasian National University (2007-2009)

Continuing education: 

- «Actual issues of medical genetics» (40 hours), Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican Center for Health Development.

- Certificate GCP №7611, 12.12.2018.


Мажит Маржамия МажитқызыMazhit Marzhamiya Mazhitkhizy

Specialist of Clinical Trials Sector of the Gerontology Center, Master of Management


- graduate education “State and local government”, Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar (2001-2005)

- postgraduate education “Master of Management”, Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar (2005-2006)


Камалиева Жанар МаратовнаKamaliyeva Zhanar Maratovna

Technical Specialist of the Gerontology Center


- graduate professional education, Kazakh Agrotechnical University (1998)

Continuing education: 

- “Labor law as a tool to minimize the risks of the employer”, Center for Medical Technology and Information Systems (2016)

Hospital Partners