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In the Medical Centre Hospital BLS course training is conducted


In the Medical Centre Hospital opened Clinical Educational Centre (hereafter CEC). One of the CEC directions is to teach first emergency aid (BLS course) and widened course of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACLS course). Having above-mentioned skills is one of necessary terms of safety precautions, timely rendering and saving life during emergencies before emergency team arrives. Hospital offers training by “Rendering urgent medical aid. Basic resuscitation procedure” (BLS/AED), 8 hours program, with giving certificates as per standard form, which is in force on territory of RK and CIS.

Experienced instructor, certified by European Council of resuscitators, conducts training.

Currently in CEC 1500, people had training including medical personnel, specialists of security service, drivers, specialists of TS and ES and so on. If necessary, Hospital can organize travel training at your base. For corporate clients there is flexible discount system.

For additional information contact numbers:

– 8-(7172) -70-74-98 (74 - 99), 70-79-52 (78-51), эл.адресy esimkhanova@bmc.mcudp.kz

2016.04.01 anons

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