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See broadcast of MC Hospital nuclear medicine department at "In details" program

See broadcast of MC Hospital nuclear medicine department at "In details" program

Nuclear medicine - one of the most innovative areas of medicine, where during treatment and diagnostics radioactive isotopes are used. With such apparatus, doctors manage to diagnose cancer at a stage when regular scanner may not register them.

Preparing for JCI - ACLS training

Preparing for JCI - ACLS training

Курс ASLS для сотрудников БМЦ УДП РК

Hospital makes an announcement about conclusion of an Agreement for rendering of medical services within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GAFMC) for 2016

Hospital makes an announcement about conclusion of an Agreement for rendering of medical services within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GAFMC) for 2016

RSE " Medical Center Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - Hospital) makes an announcement about conclusion of an Agreement for rendering of medical services within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GAFMC) for 2016.

MC Hospital of PAA of RK services presentation in the PHC center "Shapagat"

MC Hospital of PAA of RK services presentation in the PHC center "Shapagat"

1 February 2016. Marketing and advertising department (chief department M.Kurmanov, specialist of the department ZH. Abenova) together with surgical department №2 and innovation management department (specialist of the department A.Avdeev) conducted presentation of Medical Centre Hospital of PAA of the RK services for medical personnel in the PHC center "Shapagat» of Astana.

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