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Master-class "Use of echocardiography in cardiovascular surgery"


Echocardiography is the most common, priority, and a highly safe method of cardiac imaging, used in the diagnosis of virtually in all cardiovascular diseases, followed by both structural and functional disorders. To the master class in "Medical Center Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was invited Zakarkayte Diana, PhD to achieve a higher quality level of transthoracic echocardiography - Doctor of Clinical Physiology, University Hospital " Santariškių Klinikos", Lithuania, Vilnius.

As part of master-class Medical centre Hospital specialists will have practical trainings on research to assess systolic and diastolic left ventricular function, evaluate right ventricle function and pulmonary hypertension, the practical application of the algorithm of evaluation of heart valves defects and artificial heart valves, assessment of heart activity and myocardium infiltration diseases, the use of 2D Strain techniques in the study of left ventricular systolic function, assessment of stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency.

For the specialists of functional diagnostics department, as well as cardiologists, internists during the master class will be conducted lectures and organized round table.

2016.10.17-29 Применение метода эхокардиографии в сердечно-сосудистой хирургии 2

2016.10.17-29 Применение метода эхокардиографии в сердечно-сосудистой хирургии 1

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