Special offer "Open Day"
September 3 from 9-00 to 15-00 in the Medical Center Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan was provided special offer for the population with the free of charge consultations of leading specialists and diagnostic studies with 50% discount on instrumental investigations.
The event was held to draw attention of the general population to the state of their health by hospital staff by using specialized and high-tech medical care provided in our medical organization.
The festive mood was reached due to the string Quartet of Academy of Music of the capital which performed their art in the foyer of the Hospitals.
The best specialists of the hospital during consultations and diagnostic studies conducted selection of the patients, which are in need of hospital treatment within the guaranteed amount of free medical care, and gave advice on processing documents for inpatient treatment under the state order of Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan through hospitalization portal. Best doctors of the Hospital performed consultations: general physicians, gastroenterologists, otolaryngology, allergology, surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, dermatologist, urologists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists. Among them: doctors and PhDs, as well as doctors of the highest and first qualification categories that have implemented 614 free consultations and 594 instrumental investigations (of which 316 - with 50% discount) 295 patients not only solve their health problems, but did it practically.
During open day staff of marketing and advertising department distributed more than 1,000 copies of advertising materials about provided services, which also raises awareness about Hospitals opportunities and possibilities.
Special offer attracted the attention of the media, which gave a positive evaluation (TV channels “Habar", "CTC", "24kz", "Eurasia", "Channel 31" and news website «Zakon kz»).
In the end, it turned out to be win-win for everyone: patients, health care providers, as well as all people who care! As a result of this event hospital administration promised in the future to carry out special offer "Open Day".