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Qualitative longevity process management - Myth or Reality?


In recent years, in Kazakhstan average- life expectancy growth is observed, according to 2015 results it reaches 72 years. At the same time increases the risk of premature and progressive development of age-associated diseases that cause interest of specialists and population to personalized (individualized) medicine in gerontology. Currently, this area in the Republic of Kazakhstan has not yet formed, but the longevity and quality of life – is a strategic investment in human capital, which in the modern world is profound and promising premises in creation of an innovative and competitive economy. Therefore, in this direction conduction of research is very important.

At the present time, a group of leading scientists of Medical Center of President affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MC PAA RK) since 2009 has conducted researches which is aimed at detection of metabolic syndrome as a risk of age-associated diseases. Preliminary data showed that 12.0% of governmental workers are subjects to this risk and require correction. From 2015 on the basis of Central Clinical hospital of PAA of the RK under MC PAA RK direction, grant project "The influence of lifestyle and medical factors on aging rate and rise of active longevity of the population resources"  of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is performed (executive in charge M.D, professor G.Z. Tanbaeva).

The next stage is scientific development and introduction of innovative medical services of personalized process of human aging management into clinical practice. This service is a set of measures, consisting from successive and interrelated phases: diagnostics (analysis of epigenetic and biochemical aging markers and external factors of age-associated diseases development risk), selection of individual treatment schemes and preventive measures (deletion of the detected risk factors and inhibition of aging processes), monitoring of treatment effectiveness (dynamic evaluation of biological age and the rate of aging).

Age of the contingent interested in these medical services, is 35 years old and older, and it is the most financially secure segment of the population interested in extending their performance efficiency and quality of life, which ensure further commercialization of the project and constantly increasing demand for service. According to the population census data in 2009, when the total population of 16,009,597 people, 1,558,159 people older than 60 years, of which 585,114 men and 973,045 women. Thus, approximately 10% is elderly population. According to the 2014 data, population of the Republic of Kazakhstan was already 17,417,700 people, and at the age of 35 - 60 years old - more than 6 million people are the potential consumers of the proposed health services, reflecting the significant market capacity services in the country. In Kazakhstan medical services market within the framework of the sale of certain biologically active supplements and services that identify genetic factors that ensure the selection of definite products, but there is no health organizations of governmental sector, seriously dealing with this issue. The absolute marketing advantage is that these medical services, taking into account the genetic, physiological, biochemical characteristics of the patient, will be carried out in the ultra-modern multifunctional medical organization - Medical centre hospital of President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MCH PAA RK), where is practically the whole range of medical services, including inpatient, inpatient replacing and outpatient services will be rendered.

There is Research Institute of Gerontology and anti-aging medicine in hospital. In 2015 was held, the I Eurasian Congress of Gerontology in Astana. Congress were hosted by Medical center Hospital of President’s affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Gerontology Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All units of Medical centre Hospital are harmonized in a single process, and focused on providing the most modern and high-quality medical services. It is important that the services will be provided on the basis of the most modern Multidisciplinary Clinic in Central Asia, which has sufficient resources for the project marketing appeal, and the price of service unit may be reduced in front of competitors due to indirect co-financing from the hospital, as the object of the research is planned to be Hospitals contingent. Additional advantage of Medical centre Hospital of the RK is that in 2010 it passed the state accreditation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and received the maximum score in comparison with the health facilities of the city - 0.98; 2006 Medical centre Hospital accredited by international certification campaign "TUV International RUS" with annual confirmation certificate for quality standards ISO 9001:2008: In April 2016 Medical centre Hospital of President’s Affairs administration of the RK repeatedly confirmed the certificate of conformity to ISO 9001: 2008.

The next step towards improving the quality of rendered healthcare services in Medical centre Hospital of President’s affairs Administration of the RK was JCI international accreditation, which opens wide horizons for providing medical care within the frames of medical tourism. JCI medical certificate received for the period from April 9, 2016 to April 8, 2019. Also, as a preliminary stage for clinical trials on the basis of Medical centre Hospital of President affairs Administration of the RK has passed accreditation, which gives the right to conduct such researches. By decision of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the RK, order №90 February "11" 2016, Medical centre Hospital of President’s affairs Administration of the RK accredited to perform clinical studies of pharmacologic and medical products, medical devices and medical equipment in order to:

1) clinical trials of medicament (II-IV phase);

2) bioequivalent medicaments studies;

3) multi-centered clinical trials;

4) international multi-centered clinical trials.

Medical centre hospital is equipped with modern high-tech medical diagnostic equipment, which allows in a qualitatively higher level, diagnose and treat the most complex diseases, observed more than 1,000 people a day. In Medical centre Hospital of the RK operates the only "Innovation Management" department in Kazakhstan to introduce new and unique technologies. Medical centre Hospital works with 20 insurance companies, more than 50 embassies and international organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Medical centre Hospitals’ partners are leading clinics and large medical centers from 15 countries of near and far abroad, held bilateral signing of Protocol of intentions with 30 clinics all over the world (Europe, Asia, America). Agreements on medical treatment have been signed with 37 foreign missions (embassies), accredited in Kazakhstan. Medical centre Hospital of the Republic of Kazakhstan cooperates with international organizations (the EU Delegation in Kazakhstan, UNICEF, UNDP, the IOM office in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Statoil, World Bank, European Development Bank, OSCE) and international insurance companies ( «Vanbreda International / AP Companies», «Henner-GMC Services »,« HTH Worldwide '/ GeoBlue »,« Cigna International »,« AETNA International »,« BUPA »,« FALCK TravelCare »). For the attraction of foreign patients for medical treatment in the Hospital and the development of medical tourism we work with tour operators as: travel agencies in Astana «International Travel Plus», «KazAviaTur". Hospital provides international summits, conferences and exhibitions on clinical topics and health tourism.

At present, team of highly specialized professionals of various fields is formed  who haв received training in leading clinics of Europe, USA, Japan, South Korea, Israel. At the hospital only for the first half of 2016 - 10 workshops with the participation of foreign highly specialized professionals was conducted.

There is much work due to the lack of this market type of services development, absence of market researches, and reliable information to the public about the problems of aging. The project needs a major marketing and advertising support. Like any new breakthrough project is associated with a significant financial risk, but nevertheless in the perspective should be a significant success because of the undoubted relevance and importance of the project and the interest of the government in its implementation, since the ultimate goal of the project - the longevity and improve quality of life.

Benberin VV

Medical Center of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

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