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Looking for foreign specialists


Medical Center Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Hospital) looking for foreign doctors and professionals who want to work on a long term basis (from a month to a year or more) in the Hospital on the terms proposed by us as agreed.

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This recruitment program of foreign doctors and specialists is carried out in order to improve Hospitals health personnel potential and improving medical technology.

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Specialities that we are interested in are:

  • anesthesiologist/ICU

  • thoracic surgery

  • vascular surgery

  • arrhythmology

  • spinal neurosurgery

  • plastic surgery/cosmetology

  • traumatology/endoprosthesis

  • neurology,

  • nephrology,

  • hematology,

  • immunology.

The hospital covers transit expenses (economy class), accommodation and salary of 3,000 USD/month and up, depending on professional ranks and accomplishments.

Additional information by phone: +7 7172 70-79-99

e-mail: gchimbayeva@mail.ru

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