Professor Roberto Puzhedo master class
Many innovative projects, say the least of, can be classed as technologies of the future. New treatment methods appear and continue to appear, that do not require a long recovery and care of patients. With the help of modern equipment, doctors can easily determine the most difficult diagnosis, the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.
Keeping pace with the time, in MC Hospital of PAA of the RK installed the best modern equipment to provide population of Kazakhstan with medical services. One example is the laser equipment «DEKA», which is presented in a single copy in Kazakhstan. Laser equipment «DEKA» efficiently used in almost all areas of medical activities: surgery, urology, gynecology, otolaryngology, dermatology, dentistry, plastic surgery, and cosmetology.
Since the industrial complex of the company «DEKA» is located in Florence (Italy), Italian specialists are pioneers in the use of this equipment. Therefore, for the work place training to the MC Hospital was invited head department of Otolaryngology Department of Surgery of Medical School of Cagliari University (Italy), Professor Roberto Puzhedo. Participation in master class "New Technologies in otorhinolaryngology. Microsurgery of the larynx" using «DEKA laser" improved practical skills of experts from Almaty and Aktau city, doctors of medical institutions of Astana city, and, of course, 12 specialists of MC Hospital of PAA of the RK.
According to one of the participants of training specialists of MC Hospital previously used cold instruments, but today, after the master class otolaryngologists can use less traumatic method of operations, as on paid basis so within the guaranteed amount of free medical care.
Moreover, here is what professor Puzhedo says, "Laser technology is currently the most modern method, and by having such high-tech equipment citizens of your country can be operated at home, without having to travel to other countries. I want to note that hospital doctors and medical equipment here at the highest level. Not every country has powerful hospital. Here, in the walls of hospitals of MC of PAA of the RK I feel like in my clinic".
This is professor’s first visit to Kazakhstan, master class was held from 25 to 30 June 2016, during this period of time professor performed 2-3 operations in one day for hospital patients, who came from different regions of Kazakhstan.