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Seminar in the kindergarten “Karligash” "Hypertension. Treatment methods and prevention”, “Eye disease and trauma”, "Principles of a healthy life style"


April 14, 2016 in the "Karligash" kindergarten, held a seminar for employees on disease prevention on the following themes: "Hypertension. Treatment methods and prevention”, “Eye disease and trauma”, "Principles of a healthy life style"

The seminar was held under the auspices of the "Nur Otan" branch "Birlik". FHLS Center and Prevention care unit physicians of MC Hospital PAA of RK informed the kindergarten staff about the causes of disease, clinical symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention. 50 people attended the seminar.

Full and complete replies were given for interested questions.

2016.04.15 1

2016.04.15 2

2016.04.15 3

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