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March 1, 2016 by the order of the Head Doctor of MC Hospital a new unit in the clinic is established - Formation of Healthy Lifestyle Center


March 1, 2016 by the order of the Head Doctor of MC Hospital a new unit in the clinic is established - formation of healthy lifestyle center (FHLS Center).

The main objective of the FHLS Centre: to develop healthy behavior of the population as a fundamental human value. Make health and good psychophysical condition the way of life.

FHLS Center Objectives: training of the contingent to FHLS skills, conducting propaganda on prevention and develop the ability of patients to overcome the behavioral disease development risk factors; patients’ capacity building in matters from which it effects their health and training to change his life and environmental conditions independently.

In addition to the main thematic cycles (School 'Diabetes' Health School for patients with arterial hypertension and CAD ("Healthy Heart, clean vessels"), Health School for patients with bronchial asthma and COPD ("eupnoea"), the School of pregnant women and young mothers ( "you will have a baby!"), School " Active Aging"), will be conducted education on healthy diet, smoking prevention, prevention of stress and develop skills for stress resistance, cancer prevention, and others.

Chief of the Department Lyubov Konopleva, physician of the highest qualification grade. Recipient of the award for excellence of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, health professional of the highest qualification grade. Awarded with the Medal of the Ministry of Healthcare, the Merit Certificate from the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Letter of Appreciation and the Badge of Honor of the Medical Centre, the Letter of Appreciation and the Merit Certificate of the Medical Centre of the PAA of the RK, Merit Certificates and Letters of Appreciation of the Department of Healthcare of Astana.

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