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Hospital makes an announcement about conclusion of an Agreement for rendering of medical services within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GAFMC) for 2016


RSE " Medical Center Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - Hospital) makes an announcement about conclusion of an Agreement for rendering of medical services within the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GAFMC) for 2016:

Specialized (SMP) and highly specialized medical care (tertiary care)

MC Hospital of PAA of RK provides specialized and highly specialized surgical treatment of patients in the frames of GAFMC by following specialties:

1) Cardiovascular Surgery.

2) X-ray surgery.

3) Traumatology and orthopedics.

4) Eye Microsurgery.

5) Neurosurgery.

6) General Surgery.

7) Gynecology.

8) Proctology.

9) Otolaryngology.

10) Urology and Nephrology. 

List of tertiary care according to the agreement 

Договор на ВСМП 18

Договор на ВСМП 19

Clinical and diagnostic services:

1) Single-photon emission computed tomography static skeleton - each subsequent view.

2) Single-photon emission computed tomography static thyroid.

3) Single photon emission computed tomography static hepatobiliary system.

4) Single photon emission computed tomography perfusion dynamic brain.

5) Single-photon emission computed tomography (dynamic scintigraphy of the heart).

6) Single photon emission computed tomography (dynamic scintigraphy of the hepatobiliary system).

7) Single photon emission computed tomography (dynamic scintigraphy of the kidneys).

8) Single photon emission computed tomography (dynamic scintigraphy of the motor-evacuation function of the stomach).

9) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) + CT scan of the whole body.

Day hospital services

1) Cataract phacoemulsification with IOL implantation.

2) Hemodialysis.

Human resources:

Every year, medical staff gets training on qualification upgrade. In the basis of organization annual workshops with the participation of foreign experts is held. Today, Hospital has "Research Institute of Gerontology and anti-aging medicine the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "Nurse School"

Hospital Partners