In the run-up to Language Day, an essay writing competition was held among the Hospital staff

On the eve of the Kazakhstan People’s Languages Day, the Hospital held a competition among employees to write an essay on the topic "Til märtebesi - el mereyi".
The purpose of the Kazakhstan People’s Languages Day is to preserve the integrity of the multinational country, to promote to the younger generation a respectful attitude towards the culture and traditions of both their own people and other peoples living in our country, as well as to popularize the state language.
1st place - Baglan Balabaykov, radiation safety control engineer at the Center for Nuclear Medicine.
2nd place - Dastan Gabbasov, ventilation and air conditioning engineer at the Center for Nuclear Medicine.
3rd place - Altyn Nurpeyisova, head of clinical and pharmacological department.
The following were awarded for active participation in the competition:
Aigerim Seyit, nurse of the Department for radioisotope diagnostics of the Nuclear Medicine Center;
Bakyt Nysanbaeva, leading specialist of the department for planning, financial analysis and budget control;
Nurkhat Orynbaev, X-ray laboratory technician of the X-ray diagnostics department;
Asem Sybankulova, district nurse of department No. 2 and the 1st primary health care center.
A total of 25 people took part in the competition, the winners were awarded diplomas, gift certificates and souvenirs.